Tuesday twosome

8 Responses “Tuesday twosome”

  1. Teresa says:

    Yup it's true..wonderful pics but we miss you TA!!

  2. ElaineG says:

    Seems to be unanimous…we miss you TA!….hope you are enjoying a wonderful vacation….and thanks for the awesome pics while you are away 🙂

  3. camila says:

    Yea, I totaly agree with everyone… we miss you ta!
    and the picture, I wanna be the hand to slap it!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can you feel the love ta? 🙂

  5. Cinderella says:

    Yep love the picture I am missin' TA also!! I hope he is having the time of his life.

  6. Yvonne says:

    I wanna be the chair!

    I agree ladies-I miss TA!!!


  7. Jambrea says:

    Wow…great picture. I miss my TA!!!!

  8. Jen says:

    To be a fly on that wall – or a petal on that flower . . . hee hee

    When is TA coming back? 🙁 The pics are superb, but I need cranial stimulation also! lol

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