Time to choose….




Okay…after reading through your suggestions, I’ve narrowed it down to two. And you get to choose which one you’d like to see as the blog story.

#1: Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace– Chad’s story finally…lol

#2: Why I Love Bodyguards– featuring McKinley and Burke from WILG. πŸ™‚

So if you want to have a say, post a comment about which story you’d like to see…and the one with the most votes will win. I’ll start the story next Tuesday. Yay!


38 Responses “Time to choose….”

  1. Deborah H says:

    Why I love bodyguards!

  2. Tammy says:

    Why I Love Bodyguards! PLEEEEEEASE!!!!!!

  3. Melinda says:

    am wanting the Nowhere Diner, but either is good.

  4. Bethie says:

    I’ll add my vote in for Bodyguards. πŸ˜‰

  5. Nae says:

    Why i love Bodyguards! Pretty please. πŸ˜€

  6. Justine says:

    Why I love Bodyguards please πŸ™‚
    (tough decision)

  7. Laureen says:

    Wow, tough decision…eenie meenie minee mo…

    Nowhere Diner.

  8. Melissa says:

    I want the bodyguard story, but let me just say that I am HUGELY disappointed you did not finish Hearts. I’m never going to know what happens now because by the time the book comes out, I won’t have the time. I still don’t know what happened in Bitter Creek because I haven’t had time to read it. πŸ™‚

  9. Diane S. says:

    #2 Please.

  10. Tekikat says:

    Nowhere diner pls!

  11. Erika S. says:

    Nowhere Diner, please!!! πŸ™‚

  12. Angie says:

    Nowhere Diner, please.

  13. Julie says:

    Nowhere Dinner, please!

  14. Martha says:

    I would like both but if I have to choose it would
    Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace

    Thank you

  15. Lisa Guertin says:

    #1, Nowhere Diner, please!

  16. H says:

    Number 2 please

  17. Ro says:

    Why I Love Bodyguards gets my vote !

  18. Mary says:

    Nowhere Diner – Chad’s story. Pretty please!!

  19. Karen says:

    Chad’s story from Nowhere Diner followed promptly by Why I Love Bodyguards, please…because that’s as close as I can come to choosing. You don’t make life easy sometimes, lol!

  20. josexpressions says:

    either one!

  21. Kim B says:

    why I love bodygaurds

  22. TA Chase says:

    so far it’s 9-6 in favor of Nowhere Diner. πŸ™‚

    I think I’ll let this go all weekend, in case there are some people who don’t read my blog until Saturday or Sunday. Then on Monday, I’ll announcing the winner, and you’ll get your first installment on Tuesday. I’m going to have to go back and read both stories to make sure I refresh my memory…lol

  23. Cynthia says:

    #1 I wish to go visit the “Nowhere Diner” crew.

  24. Thao says:

    I would love to read why I love bodyguards.

  25. Linda says:

    Nowhere Diner – PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE πŸ™‚

  26. LΓΆni says:

    Why I Love Bodyguards

  27. Tracy says:

    #1 Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace – please!

  28. Louise says:

    Hmmm, both good choices. πŸ™‚ Think I’ll go with the diner story. Thanks for requesting input TA!

  29. Tanya H. says:

    Why I Love Bodyguards!

  30. Jambrea says:

    Darn it TA!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL! I want both. Ugh.

    Chad’s story – Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace.

  31. Pampulakorva says:

    Oh damn you!! =) I need to stick to my suggestion and say Nowhere Diner.

    But can we get the WILBodyguards after ND? =) I just love those WIL stories too, they’re hilarious!

  32. Stephanie says:

    Number 2!! Why I Love Bodyguards!!

  33. Beany says:

    Nooooooo! I want both!!!

    I cant decide so I’m just going to wait and see, I’ll be happy with either option πŸ™‚

  34. JJ's Mama says:

    I would like to read both, but I would LOVE Why I Love Bodyguards.

  35. kaija says:

    Nowhere Diner: Finding peace. I really want to read a regular contemporary story with no paranormal elements at all. Having said that I would love to read Burke and McKinley’s story in not so distant future πŸ™‚

  36. Kaytee says:

    While I would love both, I’ll go with Gina and choose Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace. I can be kinda patient for the other.

  37. Zeneida says:

    Oh I want number 2 why I love bodyguard. Thanks


    I want both!

    Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace

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