The Guardian

We watched The Guardian last night. I’m not an Ashton Kutcher fan. I think he got this far on his looks, more than his acting ability. But he proved me wrong with this movie. He did a good job.

It was a typical Kevin Costner movie, imo. Wise, older role model…been there done that and got the emotional wounds to prove it. But it’s a role that works for him. So I’m not complaining.

There’s an interesting legend they mention at the beginning and the ending of the movie…giving me another idea for a story. Like I need any more I’ve got enough ideas to last me at least until late next year.

We also watched Flyboys again, but since I’ve already posted about it here..I’m not going to mention it.

Well, it’s SuperBowl Sunday. So we’ll be heading out to watch the game with some friends. I’ll be taking my laptop because I really want to get Firebird done. That way I’ll have another book coming out soon. 😉 I’m being pretty confident that someone will contract it, huh?

Have a great Sunday. If you’re watching the game, have fun. If not, have fun as well.

4 Responses “The Guardian”

  1. T.A.Chase says:


    I’m pretty sure it is as well..just don’t want to jinx it by saying anything too soon. 🙂 thanks.

  2. T.A.Chase says:


    First, congrats on the Colts win. they deserve it since they’ve played the best. 🙂

    Thanks. The website took a while to get up, but I think it turned out great and having my books makes me smile (and gives me a warm glow since it’s freezing here.)

  3. crowwoman / rhian says:

    i’d say the contract is a sure thing. Enjoy that sports game thingy everyone seems to be doing tonight. Football is SuperBowl, right? Heh.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Love your new web site! Looks great. Looking forward (that’s an understatement) to your new book. You are the only mm writer that I’ve more than one book from much less all of them. Go Colts!


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