The weekend is here finally. I’m hoping it’ll be a better one than last weekend. Maybe not so much rain would be nice. šŸ™‚

I plan on doing some writing and hanging out with C. The story I’m working on is going well. I can tell when I’m really getting into a story because I’ll start thinking about it all the time. In the shower, on the way to work…while I’m at work. šŸ˜‰ And that’s a good thing because it means I won’t be wasting time staring at my screen wondering where the hell are my characters going from this point in the story…lol.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

4 Responses “TGIF…”

  1. Viv Arend says:

    Hey, I think I know where that picture was taken…


    Like I was looking to hard at the background!

    Your weekend plans sound great TA, enjoy!

  2. Melissa Bradley says:

    I loved yesterday’s installment of Allergies, very intriguing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with C.

    There was a very interesting blog the other day at on M/M stories and the plethora of women writing them and what it means for gay male writers. It was also posted on Rick Reed’s My Space page as well. I found some of the responses quite compelling on both sites.

    Have a great Friday.

  3. mamasand2 says:

    Great picture TA. It’s on my pc now. LOL

    Hope you and C enjoy your weekend.


  4. Jambrea says:

    Have a great weekend and enjoy your time with C. šŸ™‚

    It is supposed to be nice here all weekend, but we’ll see.

    I’m glad your story is flowing, that is always a good thing. šŸ™‚

    PS..nice picture. šŸ˜€

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