Spring is almost here….

Of course, I think we’re supposed to get snow this weekend. Woot! Hopefully, it’ll be the last we get and we can move into warmer weather and sun. πŸ™‚

Well, Revealing the Past is done and turned in. It’ll be out later this summer. When I get an exact date, I’ll let everyone know.

As you know, my goal every year has always been to have one more book out than I did last year. I wasn’t sure I’d make that goal because 2009 was a great year release-wise for me. I had 12 books out last year (not counting the print release of Playing the Game.) With the contracting of Revealing the Past, I have hit that mark for this year. So the next book contracted will be my 13th and will hit my goal. Anything else contracted and released will be gravy. πŸ™‚

I’m really excited about it, considering I work a full-time job as well as write. Maybe if I keep this up, I’ll be able to make writing my full-time job…which has always been my dream. We’ll have to see how well the rest of the year goes.

I hope you all have a great Friday, and a marvelous weekend.

10 Responses “Spring is almost here….”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Got the wrong names-it was Mars and Lord (don't get me wrong-I also love Shade's character)
    Thanks for the update.
    Can't wait for you next story, whatever universe it takes place in.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I got the title wrong it was Death or Life

  3. Anonymous says:

    side question:
    a while back you wrote Nick of Time and I was wondering if Shadow will get his own story.
    good luck with your future endeavors.

  4. ~D says:

    Congrats TA!! It always feels great to reach a goal.

    Any thoughts on another Preters book?

  5. Cinderella says:

    Well TA like all the rest congrats dude. Dreams are very precious so I hope yours comes true.

  6. elaineg0707 says:

    I love that you have the drive and passion to KEEP writing, and I am so happy for you that you have reached your goal this year….I also love the fact that you keep giving us amazing guys and stories. Thanks TA for sharing with us, and I hope you get to continue to do that at the amazing pace you have so far. (This means I love the fact I get 2 TA books a month yippee!) Happy Friday

  7. Rhonda says:

    TA, thanks for the eye candy!

    Awesome news on reaching your goal. I hope your dreams come true soon and you can write full time. That would also make my dreams come true too – more TA books to read!!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!

  8. jodecarlson says:


  9. Jen says:

    Does that mean if you make writing your full time job we can get 25-30 books out of you a year?

    I'm good with that!!!!! lol

    Not trying to be a slave driver, but more TA is always a good thing!

    Let's hope your dreams become reality real soon.

    P.S. Once again, LOVE THE EYE CANDY!


  10. Jambrea says:

    I'm crossing my fingers that your dream comes true. πŸ™‚

    Happy Friday! πŸ™‚

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