
I know I promised an installment today for Shuffle, but I didn’t get Barefoot Dancing done until late. By that time, my wrists and eyes hurt, so I went to bed.

I don’t have a looming deadline next week, so I’m going to give you three installments to make up for my appalling lack of consistency with my blog and my story lately.

But yay! The last Rags to Riches story, Barefoot Dancing, is complete and with my editor. I will say there might be other stories at some other point with some secondary characters, but right now, it’s a complete series. πŸ™‚ I hope you’ve enjoyed my rich guys and the men they fall in love with.

Next up is my Amber Allure book, Search & Rescue. I gave you a glimpse of it in a sneak peek. I hope to be able to sub that by the first of Sept. We’ll see.

Have a great weekend and I promise there will be 3 installments next week.

One Response “Sorry…sorry….”

  1. looking forward to it! have a nice weekend πŸ™‚

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