
Can I just say I hate this time of year? It’s wet and cold and I’m sick. I ended up really sick yesterday, which meant I couldn’t get the next installment of Why I Love Waiters done. I’m hoping I feel better today, at least enough to get that done. 🙂
So enjoy the eye candy and I hope I’ll have it up tomorrow for you.
14 Responses “Sick”
Hope you get to feeling better. It is no wonder people are getting sick this is the weirdest weather.
Take Care & Hugs
Feel better soon – remember you have a vacation that you have to be well for. If we have to wait for an installment we will survive, I just hope Heath and the gang give you enough peace to relax.
Get well!!!
I hope you feel better. Lots of rest and hot liquids. Just remember that wonderful vacation you have coming up.
Take care of yourself and hope you get to feeling better real soon.
Hope you will feel better soon!
Get well.
Wish you the best, strength and fast recovery.
Get some rest. Hope you feel better soon.
Please take care of yourself so that you can get well.
Hope you feel better soon!!!!
Keep warm and no stressing out lay and read.
Im sorry you're not feeling well. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better!
Sorry to hear you're sick. I hope you feel better. 🙂
If you're having sore throat and/or cold like symptoms, I know this isn't the best tasting thing but I swear by it. Hot orange juice. Have no idea why it works but it always cuts down on my recovery time. Between that, lots of water, vitamin C and eating Hot and Sour soup you'll be feeling better in no time!
Awww…TA! Get better. You have a vaction coming up, you can't be sick for that! 🙂