Poetry Train…

He’s Mine…

Holding him tight in my arms,
I stare over his shoulder at you.
I can’t help but grin
At the pout on your face.

You don’t understand why
He wants me instead of you.
Why he’s in my arms with his back
To your perfect body and beautiful face.

He wants arms that are strong,
But that know how to be weak.
He wants a body that is hard,
But that knows how to yield.

He nuzzles my neck and
I pull him closer.
Maybe it’s because
He knows the simple truth.

I love him more than I love myself.

TA Chase c. 2008


Stop by Rhian’s blog to check out who else is on the train.

9 Responses “Poetry Train…”

  1. Joy Roett says:

    Now, I’m crying.

  2. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, everyone. 🙂

    Hi to Emmy and Josh. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Josh says:

    Beautiful words for a beautiful sentiment.

  4. Emmy says:

    Yeah, so uh…naner naner boo boo. No touchee. LOLz

  5. Melissa Bradley says:

    I love it! So honest and strong… The perfect poetic justice.

    Have a great Monday.

  6. T.A.Chase says:


    I love this picture for the simple fact of the guy’s grin. It popped into my head last night and I ended up getting the idea for the poem from the picture.


  7. T.A.Chase says:


    Thanks. 🙂 At least it didn’t make you cry. lol

  8. psy-harlot says:

    you can’t help smiling back at that picture 🙂

    I had one of those heart-glad moments when I thought of who I love more than myself


  9. Jambrea says:

    Awww…I love it TA. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy! 🙂

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