Pimping Books…

Okay…it’s time to pimp Sean Michael’s books. All of them…lol. I can’t pick one that’s my favorite. I did see that the second book in his Guardian Angel chaser series is out, so I’ll have to be picking that one up soon. I can’t say enough about his Jarhead series. Hot men, lots of hot sex and great stories.

Stop by Sean Michael’s website. Check out all his wonderful books. (Of course, you all have probably read his stuff)

Oh and stop by Samhain today, Ally Blue’s short story, Catching A Buzz, is available now. Another book to add to my growing list of books to buy.

I’m almost halfway finished with Tony’s story. So there shouldn’t be a problem for me to finish it by the end of June…or maybe sooner. Got more written on The Vanguard as well. And started the sequel to Out ofBounds (which is the short story I submitted to Samhain) so no matter where it gets published by, there’ll be a second book for it. 🙂

Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend.

7 Responses “Pimping Books…”

  1. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    I have almost all of SM’s books. Favorite? No way to decide. I’ve read all but the the two Guardian Chasers more than once and I only got those yesterday (I won them during a chat ~grin~ )

    I bought Ally’s Catching a Buzz today too. It was up on the site at 3 am but not available for purchase or I might have finished it already.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I love all you have posted/published.

  2. loopdlu says:

    TA…i’m with you on SM’s books..everyone i’ve read so far is NUM. i’ve read all the Jarheads, and about seven or eight of his other stories…can’t wait to get the next GA story; thanks for the heads up. have an awesome weekend. i’m off to eat, drink, and do be merry!

  3. Elisa says:

    I think my favourite by Sean are Secrets, Skin and Leather (wonderful cover, too) and Braided. And I’m reading just now Catching a Buzz by Ally. ciao, elisa

  4. Patty says:

    Good morning TA

    I am still re-reading Seans Jarhead books. I think I have read everyone of them about 3 times.

    I picked up Ally’s new book today. Putting it in my to be read pile. We are traveling up to North Nevada this weekend so won’t get to start it till later.

    Hope you have a great weekend.


  5. Yvonne says:

    Hi TA,
    I just finished SM’s “The Broken Road”-for the second time. I really like the books that I have read. Haven’t gotten to the Jarheads yet.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. sylvie says:

    I second you on recommending Sean Michael books, nearly all of them are really good.

    Thanks also for the input about your writing… I suppose that if you finish Tony’s story earlier, we’ll have a chance to read it earlier.

    Have a great friday

  7. Julie says:

    WOW! You were on a roll yesterday!
    Have a great weekend!

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