Picking the next story….




Today is the day…well almost. I want to hear what you all have to say about what kind of story you’d like to read. πŸ™‚ Cowboys? Vampires? Historicals? And is there any story you might want to see another story to go with?

List all the ones you want and I’ll see if I can narrow it down to two for you all to chose from on Thursday. πŸ™‚


18 Responses “Picking the next story….”

  1. Danni says:

    Another vote for Pavel and Jess. I think I’m partial to them since Gryphon and Nick were my introduction to you and your blog stories.

  2. Diane S, says:

    Please, something from Angel’s Evolution.

    Thanks TA. Merry Christmas!

  3. Nix says:

    I would love to read the next in the Why I Love series, especially if it’s the one with Herb’s boss.

  4. Susan E says:

    I agree with those saying Pavel and Jesse from the ‘Preter’ series. Maybe use that to lead up to Rovers story.

  5. I’ve been watching Avenger stories while I crochet so I guess I’m on a superhero kick {shrug}

    Edward’s story sounds good, so does a sequel to They Walk Among Us

  6. Melinda says:

    I have to say I want JT’s story as well. He was such a butt.

  7. Louise says:

    Shapeshifters. Obscure animals. πŸ™‚ Or vampires, demons, etc. something supernatural. Thanks TA!

  8. JACKIE says:


  9. Delenn says:

    The Preternaturals. I can’t wait for Rover’s story.

  10. Kim B says:

    The Preternaturals

  11. Will K says:

    Most of the comments so far seem to be leaning towards cowboys, a sentiment with which I whole-heartedly agree!

    Thanks πŸ˜€

  12. Diane says:

    I would love to read about Pavel and Jesse or maybe about Herb’s boss and the Head of Security.

  13. Tailtiu says:

    I’m still waiting for Pavel to get his HEA with Jess (Preters)
    and Isaiah and JT (Bound by Love) deserve there story too.

  14. Jean says:

    Sequel to ‘They Walk Among Us’ Sounds real good.

  15. kaija says:

    I’d love to read about one of the guys from Bitter Creek’s Redemption (in other words historical cowboys).

  16. Julie says:

    My choice is the Bound by Love series. One of Ren’s brothers. That could fall under Cowboys.


  17. Yvonne says:


    1.Something from Angel
    2.Something from the ‘Understanding’ universe
    3.Sequel to ‘The Whore of New Slum’.
    4.Sequel to ‘They Walk Among Us’.


  18. josexpressions says:


    Cowboys (maybe Edward’s story from the Home Series)
    Something in the Why I Love series
    Something in the Angel’s Evolution sphere

    thanks πŸ™‚

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