New Blog Story…



Hey everyone..sorry about not posting anything yesterday. By the time I had a moment to think and remembered….lol…it was really late. So I figured I’d just skip it. πŸ™‚

With Hearts finished (on the blog..I still have to add another couple of chapters to the end. Need to get them to Mexico and safe before I can really end it.) we need to think of a new story to write. Now sometimes I’ve given you two blurbs to pick from…or let you decide what genre the story should be. I thought maybe we could do that again. What genre would you be interested in seeing a story set in? Or time period? Or setting? Hearts was a futuristic story, and Threadbare before it was a contemporary paranormal story. But is there a genre you haven’t seen in a while that you’d be interested in seeing a blog story done in?

If you comment with suggestions, I’ll make a list of them, then post them on Thursday…and everyone will get to choose from the list. The genre, setting, or time period with the most votes is the one I’ll use and I’ll try to come up with a story to fit it…lol. Or even if you have a link to a picture you think would be good inspiration, then by all means, include it in your comments and I’ll check it out.

Thanks for helping me, everyone. Have a great Tuesday.

12 Responses “New Blog Story…”

  1. Zeneida says:

    I love Why I love story. Will like to see a next one or maybe something paranormal with a horse shifter again

  2. Pampulakorva says:

    What about Nowhere Diner and Chad’s story? We’ve been waiting for that one for Ages *bambi eyes, Huge bambi eyes begging* ??? Please??

  3. Kaytee says:

    Decisions, decisions. I know you said you were done with the Home series, but I want Edward’s story or from Angel’s story his brother or the spy they left behind (sorry I can’t think of his name right now.)


  4. TA Chase says:

    wow…you all have given some great suggestions. it’s going to be hard to figure out which one to do…lol

  5. Diane says:

    I would to read about someone from the Vanguard check in with some old friends or maybe have a spin off from Threadbare

  6. Yoe says:

    I agree with Beany. A shifter/paranormal or a “Why I love” story or what about another Dragon book? Could be another new world of dragons doesn’t have to be your Dragon Series?

  7. Cynthia says:

    We coul go visit Bitter Creek? or do a paanormal like Under My Bed with Tabor

  8. Diane S, says:

    How about something with Angel’s brother?

  9. sharon griffin says:

    how about a combination historical/shifter/paranormal, its been a while since I’ve read a good one of those. πŸ™‚

  10. Jambrea says:

    *sob* I didn’t know it was over. *wails* heehee

    I was thinking…steampunk. Or a fantasy like Stealing Life.

  11. josexpressions says:

    hmmmm…sooo many to choose from! how about something historical? like Angel’s Evolution? πŸ™‚

  12. Beany says:

    I vote shifter/paranormal. No reason, just because πŸ™‚
    I figure you won’t accept my vote for Hearts to keep going lol
    Although I will miss the boys, I wasn’t expecting it to end πŸ™
    Ooo what about another “Why I love” story?

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