Monday Blahs

I’ll admit, I didn’t do anything all weekend. Played golf on Saturday and hung out with friends. Sunday was reserved for family. 🙂 Saw people I only see once a year…lol.

Since I was lazy, I don’t have a new poem or anything new to report on the writing side.

But T at International Heat has an interview with me today….about books and authors I like. Check it out.

I hope you all had a great weekend. Enjoy the eye candy. (Less fattening than all that Easter candy)

5 Responses “Monday Blahs”

  1. brooks says:

    Love spring break time. Spent time at some beautiful Florida beaches and spent quality time with family. So perfect. Wonderful time to relax, reflect, enjoy life. Even got a little reading time in for myself. Sounds like you had the perfect weekend as well.

    Thanks, TA.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am glad you had a lazy weekend like me. I wondered, my lazy weekend invariably wishing to visit my favorite books. All your books are on my favorite lists. Do you ever re-read your own works? Just for enjoyment? Thanks for your hard work and some enjoyable re-reads this weekend.

  3. Rhonda says:

    Glad you were able to spend time with family and be lazy over the weekend. I enjoyed your interview with T. I lazed around and read a couple of your books over the weekend.

    Have a great week!

  4. Yvonne says:

    I’m glad you had a restful weekend TA, you have been busting your butt for a while now.


  5. Jambrea says:

    Thanks for the interview TA. It was great. T does an awesome job interviewing authors! 🙂

    My weekend was lazy as well and…it is Monday. *sigh* It’s only 8:30am and I already need a nap. 🙂

    Hope you have a great day TA!

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