I’m back…

C and I decided to run away for the weekend. We left Friday and didn’t get back until tonight. Where we ended up didn’t have any internet access, so I couldn’t post anything. 🙁

But there is good news….Three comes out tonight. Stop by the Liquid Silver site and check it out. It’s not up yet but sometime between six and seven, it’ll go live. 🙂

I hope you have a great Monday and I’ll be posting a new installment of the Vanguard tomorrow. Also, I’ll be back on the Poetry Train next Monday.

8 Responses “I’m back…”

  1. Lisa Andel says:

    Hey Gina,
    Same world as The Trouble with Allie. Different players. Except for Biggs.

    & a big woohoo on the checking out my other books.:D

    Keep me posted.

  2. Elisa says:

    I just finished it, all of three: guys you have made a wonderful world. Here is my pill review (http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/112436.html) and I want also to translate it in italian an post it in my blog: I have only to wait some days cause I want to give it the right exposure. ciao, elisa

  3. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    Hey Lisa,

    Loved Tia’s Leash. I too wanted to yell, that’s it? The Trouble with Allie mentions Rangers, same world?

    Great story. I may have purchased it because of TA but I’m checking out your other books now….

  4. Lisa Andel says:

    Man, I’m feeling left out here. Darr is over at SEx congratulating Bonnie and your loyal readers are touting you!

    (I think we’ve got a winner here, and I mean all of us). 😀

  5. Julie says:

    Hi TA~
    Your Three story was wonderful! I was pleasantly surprised at it’s length and the depth of the men’s lives that was covered. Thanks for the heads up that it was available, it was a great read!

  6. Elisa says:

    Ciao TA. This time someone was faster than me! Lisa A. has gifted me with Three. Can’t wait to read it! Hope tonight. ciao, elisa

  7. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    I LOVE it when I get to run away for the weekend. Last trip, Mike had a class out of town that was Wed-Fri and I was able to take to train to meet him…had a great weekend 😉

    Got Three! See you tomorrow …skipping off to read…


  8. Carol H says:

    Waiting patiently…I have been checking for Three since 5:00 est…just finished re-reading No Going Home..just gets better. Missed some things the first time thru. Glad you got away for the weekend. Everyone deserves a break. Can’t wait for Tony’s story even more now.

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