Hot Fuzz

Went to see Hot Fuzz Saturday. I loved Shaun of the Dead, so I couldn’t wait to see this movie.
It’s different from Shaun, but still hilarious. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have been friends for a long time and it shows in their acting. I’m not sure any other actors could pull off this homage to buddy cop films. 🙂 I’d definitely recommend it to anyone looking for laughs and action.
I’m halfway through edits on Two for One. It’s taken me longer than usual to get it finished because my schedule has been thrown off. But I’m planning on getting it done tonight…so my editor and fellow anthology mates won’t come hunt me down…lol.
Have a great Monday.

2 Responses “Hot Fuzz”

  1. T.A.Chase says:

    I haven’t seen ND and have no plans to see it. The actor in it annoys me. I’m sure it’s a great movie, but it isn’t my type of movie. 🙂

    You have to go see it, Rhian. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are great in it and there’s so many gay overtones, it’s so funny to watch. And the actors know it’s there. They did it on purpose.

  2. Rhian / Crowwoman says:

    i LOVED Shaun of the Dead but hadn’t heard of this one. With Ky home from college I have no doubt he’ll be dragging me to see this. We have a trade out – I go see the movies he likes and he goes with me to see the live bands that i like. Luckily we have similar tastes in both. Okay – sometimes. Some of his movies – eeek. I simply could not sit thru Napoleon Dynamite past the first 15 minutes.

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