Happy Hunk Day


I just finished my breakfast, which was a bowl of oatmeal with a splash of almond milk and a sprinkle of Splenda. I’m not sure who can finish a full cup of oatmeal. I make a 1/4 cup, and I only eat a half of that. A quarter cup makes a lot of oatmeal…lol.

I didn’t get much written yesterday. Mostly because I went with my hubby to a doctor’s appt. He had a joint replaced in the middle finger of his left hand six years ago. So the surgeon who did it wanted to check on it. So we spent the afternoon at the doctor’s. His finger’s doing fine.

Some got written though, and I’m hoping to get more done. I have to go work out, and I might hit the driving range since it’s so nice outside. 🙂 Have to get ready to start golfing…lol.

I hope you all have a great Wednesday…and get a chance to enjoy the good weather.

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