Happy Friday…

Thank goodness, it’s soon to be the weekend. lol. Can’t wait, though I do plan on doing as much writing as I possibly can the next two days.

I sat down the other day and counted how many books I have coming out this year (or are already out) and I figured out that right at this moment, I have as many books contracted for this year as I did for all of last year. Woo-hoo! So whatever else gets contracted is icing on the cake. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m happy about that because I didn’t think I’d be able to hit the mark I set last year, but I did and now I have to realize I might not be able to keep the pace up…lol. But I’ll try.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

6 Responses “Happy Friday…”

  1. ElaineG says:

    OOh! We get MORE TA than last year? yippee! Hope you write as much as you want without burning out lol! Your fans are here for whatever we can get *winks*

  2. Anonymous says:

    youre an impressive young man, TA.

  3. Jambrea says:

    Thanks for the WONDERFUL eye candy. I love those two.

    Woohoo on all the TA awesomeness. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Anonymous says:

    OK, now come on TA, where's my Friday update for Wolf's Survival. It totally makes my morning to sign on to your blog and read the latest chapter lol…pretty please {:> I love all your work and can't wait to see how this one goes.

    Thanks – Francie

  5. Jen says:

    Not only did you hit the mark but you hit it in the first half of the year, outstanding!

    Congrats – you work really hard for everything you get and that's admirable.

    Thanks, TA.

    Love ya'll,

  6. Cinderella says:

    TA We will keep/give you enough material to write about and I know you probably will slow down during the summer cause you and C will want to enjoy yourselves but your stal…i mean fans will keep you on the path of writing. Cynthia

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