Finally Friday…

I know I usually pimp books on Friday, but I have to admit I don’t feel like it today…lol. Not that there aren’t a ton of good books out there. Must be a lazy day for me. don’t worry…pimping will resume sometime this weekend.
Also, the next installment of The Vanguard will be posted sometime this weekend as well. Last night was really busy and I didn’t get a chance to write it yet…lol.
I did do some work on Tony’s story along with the sequel to the short story I sent to Samhain for consideration and inclusion in their 2008 m/m Valentine’s Day anthology. Haven’t heard back from them yet about it, but I think I still have a few days left before they’ll be notifying people. 🙂
Yesterday, Kimi from Texas asked if I was ever going to write a story for Shade from Angel’s Evolution. I admit that when I wrote AE, I thought about doing a sequel and tell Shade’s story. I’m not ruling the possibility out. I did add a clue or two at the end of the story about Shade. But at the moment, his story isn’t on the schedule. I really want to get all the Home books done first and the Dragon books I’m planning as well. Though with the way things work for me, who’s to say, that tomorrow I won’t be inspired to write Shade’s romance. 🙂
Hope everyone has a great Friday.
6 Responses “Finally Friday…”
Your today Eye Candy is one of the Dieux du Stade, isn’t he? I prefer the 2004 version, but also the 2007 isn’t so bad. ciao, elisa
Mornin’ TA-I just finished No Going Home- it gets better and better with each reading. Tony and more Dragon sounds REAL good!!
I am NOT going to comment on the pix today-I refuse to do any drooling today!- but the tattoo needs some lovin’,and I think he looks a little tense, maybe a massage with some oil flavored with….(smacked myself in the face to snap out of it!!!) lol
Have a great weekend.
Thanks T.A. have a great weekend. Hope it gets to be a lazy one, few and far in between here.hehe.. and I knew there was a reason i always loved rigby..hehe..
he IS beautiful…reminds me of the country singer Joe Nichol, tho i think this guy’s better looking. i’m jonesin for tony’s story too. i really dug on him in NGH (which i just re-read, and STILL loved btw) enjoy your weekend TA!
Everyone needs a lazy day. That must be what blew in with yesterdays wind storm. Have a good Friday!
Oh yes – beautiful picture.
Good Morning, nice eye candy 🙂 Where do you get your pictures?
I was hoping it would be more vanguard but, sigh, I really liked No Going Home and want Tony’s story too.