Archive for Uncategorized


My website was off line for most of the day, so I wasn’t able to post anything for Works in Progress. Also I wasn’t able to get Shuffle ready to be posted. As long as the server is still up, I’ll give you an installment on Friday for Shuffle.

I hope you have a good Thursday.

The next blog story….

Today is the day where you all get to tell me what kind of blog story you’d like to see next. 🙂 I’ll be writing the next Preternatural book in November or so for release at some point early next year. I don’t have a problem writing just about any genre, so let me know what you’re thinking. 🙂

Have a great Tuesday.

Hey there….

For the moment everything is calm. 🙂 I have some catching up to do, but I do plan on getting the installments done on time this week. lol I have some covers to share with you and some edits that need to be done. But I’m going to do my best to get everything taken care of.


Have a great Monday.


I’m dealing with some real life issues right now and haven’t been able to get the Bodyguards installments done this week. I think I should be able to get them going again starting next week. I hope you all have a great weekend.


I had edits that took me longer than I thought to do, so I wasn’t able to get the next installment done. I’m going to do my best to get it finished up and posted for Wednesday though.

I hope you all had a great Monday and Tuesday.

Bad News…in Real Life

A friend of mine passed away early yesterday morning, and I spent the day with my brother who was a close friend of hers as well.

Today, my uncle goes in for open heart surgery.

Have to say this week hasn’t turned out quite the way I wanted it to. 🙁

I just wanted to let you all know that Bodyguards will be delayed until next Tuesday. I just couldn’t focus enough to get today’s installment done.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We’ll start again next week.

Contest for Facebook Party….

For those of you stopping by to enter the contest from the Facebook chat, here’s the link.

Hope you had fun. 🙂

In the Home Stretch….

I’m in the homestretch of Saint Petersburg, and really need to get it finished by Friday. So unfortunately, I had to postpone Bodyguards again. What I’m going to try and do is give you three installments next week. 🙂 Yay!

Does that make up for completely falling down on the job and not give you any Cathal and Burke this week?

I hope so.


Real life got in the way and I wasn’t able to get the next installment of Bodyguards done. I’m hoping to be able to do it tomorrow, but there might not be one until Thursday. Which I know is mean since you’ve all been waiting impatiently for Cathal and Burke to get together. 😀

But I’ll do my best.


As you can tell, I didn’t get the next installment of Chad’s story done. 🙁 Sorry. I was away from my computer all day yesterday and didn’t get any writing done. I plan on doing it today, so you’ll be getting the next one tomorrow.

I hope you have a good Thursday. 🙂