A new week

The start of a new week. More writing and hopefully accomplishing more than I did over the weekend. 🙂 Didn’t get much done the last two days, but I’m planning on keeping the tv turned off and the ipod turned on. Not letting anything distract me from hitting the word count I want today.

I hope you all have a good Monday.

3 Responses “A new week”

  1. Cinderella says:

    Nice pic! Have a good time letting the boys come to life today.

  2. Yvonne says:

    Happy Monday TA. I haven't checked in for a while but have now caught up.

    You may not have gotten a lot of writing done, but Dayum did you keep up with the eye candy!! Hubba Hubba!


  3. Jambrea says:

    Good luck on your word count and HAPPY (okay…not really) Monday. lol

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