Back from RT…

I’m back from RT. I had a marvelous time getting to see all my friends and meeting new ones. 🙂
While I was gone, I had a new release come out. I’d forgotten that Total e-Bound was changing their release day from Monday to Friday. So, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood came out on Friday and is all ready zooming up the Bestseller chart at ARe. 🙂 Click here to check it out. It’s only .99 cents right now because Total e-Bound is also starting a new program First in a Series, where they’re taking select series and marking the first book in it at .99 cents, so people who haven’t given it a try can pick it up. No Going Home is also only .99 cents. So if any of you have friends who might have hesitated to read NGH before, this might be a good incentive for them to try now. lol
I will have the next installment of Hearts up and ready to read for you tomorrow. 🙂 And for any who might be wondering, no…you didn’t miss any story on Edward from the Home series. I haven’t written one yet, though I’m hoping to do so next year.
Have a great day, everyone. 🙂
One Response “Back from RT…”
Welcome home, glad you had a good time and thanks for the Edward comment.