What to say?

Hmm…this not having a blog story to take up Tuesday and Thursday is making it difficult to think of what to say. Not much is happening around here. Just writing.

So C and I decided we weren’t going to get each other anything for Christmas because we buy whatever we want through out the year anyway. I picked up a couple of books for him for his birthday which is next week, but I hadn’t planned on getting him anything else. He tells me today he wants a new Ipod for Christmas. (He broke his last one. Shattered the face and now it only works when plugged into the computer. Pointless for using in a car.) I said fine. Let me know when you want to pick it up. Then he tells me I have to come up with stuff for him to get me since he can’t be the only one opening stuff up on Christmas. (Like he’d wait that long to start using it…lol)

I told everyone else who asked me what I wanted for Christmas to donate to their favorite charity and just get me a card, telling me where they donated. I don’t need anything really, and as for wanting stuff, I can’t think of anything I really want. Then I figured it out. He’s going to get me a new Ipod as well. (The button on mine doesn’t work anymore and it quits at the weirdest times. Just stops playing and goes back to the main screen. Rebooted and restored it a few times. Hasn’t fixed anything.) Though I didn’t want a camera in mine, but C tells me all the new Ipods come with cameras. Oh fine. It’s not like I take millions of pictures anyway, but hey, maybe I’ll start taking them when I’m at conventions…lol.

We have to go out and finish up the Christmas shopping this weekend. Yay! lol Can’t wait for that. I have all my nieces and nephews to buy for. The adults are done.

I hope you all have a great Thursday and that you’re close to being done with your shopping. 🙂

9 Responses “What to say?”

  1. bookreader54 says:

    No Christmas this year at my house. No money. I hope you have a great Thursday and weekend.

    Thank you for the hunk and thank you for doing the blog every day.


  2. Araya says:

    Nope, not done shopping. My hubby and I do the same thing. Whats the sense in buying gifts if you buy what you want all year. Also, it seems like your buying yourself a gift anyway since you share the same money.

    Jambrea…I have a lovely nook cover that has the saying "When I step into this library, I cannot understand why I ever step out of it." Ive had it for a couple of months now and still love to read it when I grab my nook…which is daily…LOL

  3. Talia Carmichael says:

    I'm done with shopping. This is way early for me to be done. I'm usually one of those shoppers in the Christmas Eve rush. LOL. Then sitting all night wrapping to be ready for the morning.

    This year I am wrapped and ready to go. Although I just may go to stores on Xmas Eve -just for the thrill.

  4. Melissa Bradley says:

    I like that blurb idea, too. As for my shopping, it's all done as well. For the first time ever in the history of my Christmas shopping. My mother wants to know what alien replaced her daughter. 🙂

    Have a great Thursday as well.

  5. Nicole says:

    I want the book that was released about a month ago … bits and pieces of things Marilyn Monroe wrote in diaries and such. I love her.

    I have a Nook with the Alice in Wonderland cover … Love that thing!! Matter of fact, I have 17 new books to put on it that I bought recently. Guess I should do that so I have something to read when I go take a nice hot bath to soak my aching back after cleaning and baking today!

  6. T.A.Chase says:

    Congratulations on getting your shopping done, ladies. I try very hard to get everything done ahead of time, but I'm always having to pick up last minute things. I really should plan ahead.

    You know, Cynthia, the blurb suggestion is a good idea. Of course, that would mean I'd have to write the blurbs before I get the book done..which I rarely do…lol. 🙂 Maybe it would help me practice writing them though.

  7. Teresa says:

    I was done shopping around October – yeah I'm one of them, lol. This year I'm getting the best presents ever – both kids get to come home, one today and one Tuesday. I'm over the moon. Hope everyone has a great day.

  8. Cinderella says:

    Started wrapping the first phase of presents yesterday, around 25. Need to shop more now. I am done with hubby but not kids or myself.LOL Ya know we would not be against you running blurbs through us at this time? Just to see which one you should put with the upcoming books. Merry Christmas to all! Cynthia

  9. Jambrea says:

    I was done a week or so ago. Just have to wrap now. This makes me SO happy!

    I requested a Nook cover for Christmas. One will a cool quote on the front! I'm crossing my figers.

    Cool about the Ipod. Yes…more pictures must be taken. lol

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