Wednesday Hunk

Here’s a poem I wrote recently:

I want a darkened hallway

Or an empty room

So we can wrap our arms

Around each other

And I can lean into

Your warmth, knowing

In that space,

In that one moment of time

I am your whole world

Just like you are mine.

-T.A. Chase c. 2011

10 Responses “Wednesday Hunk”

  1. Rush says:

    That was short, sweet and oh so beautiful!!

  2. Teresa says:

    Love this! Thanks TA.

  3. bookreader54 says:

    I loved this Thank you for sharing.


  4. Melissa Bradley says:

    Beautiful! And that is a great story idea. Run far and fast with it. πŸ™‚

  5. ElaineG says:

    I absolutely loved this TA….Thank You for sharing, you have a gift with words for sure πŸ™‚

  6. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, everyone. I'd forgotten how much I liked to write poetry since I haven't written any for a while now.

    You know what, Cynthia, that would be a good Gay For You story, wouldn't it? The actor falls in love with the person who writes him these poems. He's a little unnerved when he finds out it's a guy, but then decides it doesn't matter. The gender of his admirer isn't important. πŸ™‚

    Have to write this one down…lol

  7. luciatea says:

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  8. Cinderella says:

    You are talented in all aspects of writing. Hey here is a bunny for you A poet falls in love with a well known actor and writes him poetry and leaves it on the flowers he sends to him. The actor is so moved he starts a quest to find the author is in shock it is a man. LOL Cynthia

  9. airdragonfly says:

    I really love that one, give's me goose-flesh!
    Thanks a lot!


  10. Jambrea says:

    Love this. πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

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