Tramps is available
Tramps, the second book in The Beaor Chronicles is available now at Total e-Bound. Click here to take a look. On Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be sharing the two new covers I received from Total e-Bound for my November and December releases. π
I’ll be working on the blog story today, along with a steampunk story I need to get done for Amber Allure. I’m going to try and start Leaving Home and Thieves, two books I owe Total e-Bound. Hopefully all of them move along quickly.
I have to finish getting my promo stuff ready for GRL. I have to figure out how many copies of books I’m going to take with me for the book signing.
Well, I hope you all have a great day. π
Monday, September 24th, 2012, by and is filed under "Covers, GayRomLit, Leaving Home, The Beasor Chronicles, Thieves, Threadbare Gypsy Souls, Total e-Bound, Tramps, writing ". You can leave a response here, or send a Trackback from your own site.
One Response “Tramps is available”
« The Installment will be up Tomorrow || New cover for No Going Home »
Most of the way through. It’s great!