Time to Choose

Anyway, while you might like the eye candy, I’m sure you’re here to read the blurbs and vote for my newest blog story. Without further ado, here are the blurbs:
#1: Wolf’s Survival–
Fellow ranchers consider Jared Tasker a lone wolf. A man who goes his own way and who stands alone. They’ll never know how close to the truth they are. His pack slaughtered by the ancestors of those very ranchers, Jared’s learned to trust no one and accept his solitary life.
Oliver Wingate loves and respects wolves. As a conservationist, he believes they should be re-introduced into their once natural habitat. He meets resistance from all the ranchers who feel the wolves will prey on their herds.
When Olive runs afoul of some of the locals, it’s up to Jared to ensure the young idealistic man doesn’t lose his life in a battle for the wolf’s survival.
#2: Shades of Dreams–
Stephan Colby is on top of the world. He’s lead singer of one of the hottest new rock bands. His best friend is in the band as well. In addition, Stephan’s in love. Yet Fate has a way of kicking a man in the teeth and when Stephan’s world crashes around him, he turns to his Rock, the one who has always been there for him.
Rocky Sanicily has always had Stephan’s back. They’ve been through a lot together. But when Stephan loses the most important thing in his world, Rocky must do everything in his power to keep Stephan from giving up.
Just list the number of the blurb you’d like to see me write as my blog story and by next Monday, I’ll let you all know which one it’ll be. Oh and if you haven’t had a chance to catch the last couple of installments of Bastet, please do so soon. I plan on taking the links down and deleting the story from my blog history by Thursday. 🙂
Have a great Tuesday, everyone.
129 Responses “Time to Choose”
#2 go rockers
#1 please.
add another for 2 please. thanks lyne
# 1
Theresa A
Number 1 please. They both sound wonderful, but I have a soft spot for shifters. Thanks, Ark
I vote for #1
#2 please
Okay making a decision at 6.30 am is way to early. I really really like both and can't choose. So I'll go with whichever story is voted first!
I can't choose, but I will be ecstatic with whatever wins. 🙂
hmm wolves / rockers;
wolves / rockers
lets go with #2
please, thank you
I want both but #2 please, for now.
#1 Please!
Number 1 first, please and then number 2…
Love wolves!!!
#1 because I love wolves. 🙂
Have a great week!
#1 please-please-please!
Both? Please…. (pretty please with sugar on top!)
Ok, fine. #1, then #2 🙂
I'm voting for #1 please.
That said, both sound great, and I look forward to reading whichever one is chosen. 🙂
#2 please
TA both sound great, but my vote is number 2. Have a great day!
#2 Pleeeeease
#1 please and then #2. Either one will end up being awesome!
#1 Please!
#2 Please!
#1 please – I love wolf stories
#1 Please, TA!!!
wolf please (#1)… and then rockstar one…
I gotta go with #2. Thanks TA! 🙂
#1. I'm a sucker for shapeshifters!
Wow…you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for everyone stopping by and voting.
Remember though, this will stay open until next Monday when I tell you which story it'll be.
#1 please
Mr. T.A I think you sir are a huge hit. Conards to you. Miss Jambrea Congrads to you as well. You should be a publicist.
Best Regards,
You people are totally awesome!
#1, please.
Have a nice day!
2 then 1
or both at the same time 😉
This is probably going to be close…both sound good but I'm going to go with #1
1 please.
I vote #2!!!!!! : )
#2 — 'nuff said!
I vote for #1 Wolfs Survival.
#1 I love wolves
Both. 2 first then 1 second. Tabbi
Hard decision, but I have to go with #2.
i love all your stories, but my vote is for #2. melody
Put me down for a vote for No. 2. Can't wait. sounds delicious….
#2 please
Gina Marina
#1 first please and then #2 😉
Pretty please!!
#1 pretty please!
Nr 2 sounds so awesome! Please let it be nr 2!:D
#1 please,