Sorry…have a ton of edits
Hey everyone, I’m sure you’re wondering where the next installment for the blog story is. Well, unfortunately, I didn’t get to it last night. I have a bunch of edits to do on Stealing Life, Home Sweet Home, and finishing up edits on Sticky Wicket. I’m going to try and get them done today, then hopefully I can do the installment. If not, it might not be until Thursday and Friday that you get the next two installments. 🙁 Sorry.
Also, for Erika S. and anyone else who was wondering, the only one of the first three Home books that has been added to is Wishing for a Home. I had to add about 5-6k to get it long enough to go into print like the other ones. I’m not sure if that’s enough of a difference to be able to tell when you read the new version. I understand anyone who is on a budget for books, so I guess I’d say save your money for Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. Then if you get a little extra cash, maybe pick up Wishing. 🙂
I hope you all have a great day while I spend mine in editing mode.