
You gave us music.

You gave us beauty.

You gave us laughter.

In each of you, we found a piece of ourselves.
May you rest in peace.

11 Responses “R.I.P.”

  1. s.w. vaughn says:

    This is the sweetest thing. Thank you for this, TA.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That… was beautiful.

    Thank you,

  3. Susan says:

    awesome tribute to all 3, TA. Was so shocked Friday to hear about Michael Jackson, dang he was younger than me (:

  4. Sioux says:

    Thank you so much for acknowledging all of them.

  5. jessewave says:

    This is a wonderful tribute to 3 great entertainers. Thank you for this.

  6. Jenna Howard says:

    Beautiful tribute, T.A. Simple & eloquent.

    That poster is still hanging up in my dad's workshop. I watched her Farrah's Story the other day and her bravery has left me humbled.

  7. Rhonda says:

    TA, that is a great tribute! I agree with Jambrea, I feel like a big part of my childhood is gone.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Melissa Bradley says:

    Great tribute. I have fond memories of each one of them from childhood. A stunning loss.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, that is one of the classiest and most fitting tributes I have seen today.


  10. Jambrea says:

    Thank you for that TA. I feel like a piece of my childhood is gone.

  11. jodecarlson says:

    awesome tribute – thanks for sharing…have a great weekend,


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