Monday again…lol

I’m sure you’ll see this wandering around if you follow many writers because whoever wrote this for Robert DeNiro knew exactly what they were talking about. The were millions of writers out there last night nodding their head in agreement…lol
Well, I didn’t get Losing finished over the weekend, though I’m closer than I was…lol. It’ll be done this week. (keeping my fingers crossed) I did get St Petersburg started and am on track with that word count. Yay! I have to tweak my secret story, but I’m going to do that today so I can get that back to my editor this week.
I’ll be doing the next Bodyguard installment first though. That needs to be done early this afternoon then I can work on whichever one I want.
Oh, the amazingly awesome Amy Lane has a post on her blog today of some upcoming releases to look forward to this month. Check it out here. I’m mentioned twice, but so is Mary Calmes, BA Tortuga, and Rhys Ford. JP Barnaby as well. 🙂 To help you add to your to-be-read pile. 🙂
I hope you all have a great Monday.
One Response “Monday again…lol”
Sounds good loved the deniro thing.