It’s Friday….

Sorry I haven’t been posting as much lately. Get so busy doing other things that I completely forget to post until it’s evening…lol. I’d promise to do better, but it won’t be happening next week for sure. I’m leaving on Sunday for New Orleans for the Romantic Times convention. I’m meeting up with Devon Rhodes a couple of days early so we can hang out and have some fun before the work starts. 🙂
But I’m going to do my best to at least get the next two installments of Bodyguards done and scheduled so you won’t have to wait on those. 🙂 And if I can, I’ll see about posting something at some point during the other days. Not sure if it’ll happen, but I’ll try.
I just signed my contract for No Bravery, which is my contribution to this year’s Totally Bound GRL anthology. This year’s antho was a lot of fun to work on and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that readers like it. 🙂 Can’t wait to see my cover for my story and the one for the antho.
Also, got the cover for another Totally Bound story, but I can’t share it yet. I know…that’s being kind of mean. I love the cover and hope you all love the book when it comes out. I have to wait until I get the okay to tell you anything else about it. 😉 And to be able to share the cover.
Well, I hope you all have a great Friday and an awesome weekend. I have to pack all my stuff and hope I don’t go over the weight limit. lol
One Response “It’s Friday….”
same to you, and have a great time next week!