In One Week…..

Next Friday, I’ll be flying to Vegas for a week, and then heading to LA for the RT convention. Vegas is a vacation, but RT is work-related…lol. Though I’ll be having fun hanging out with all my reader friends and author friends while I’m there. I can’t wait, but I still have a ton of stuff I need to finish up before I go.
I’m going to try and get some installments of Waiters done ahead of time and get them scheduled to post, so you don’t have to go without while I’m gone. I’m never entirely sure about internet in my hotel, and I’d like to be sure you guys are entertained while I’m gone. Of course, if I can’t get Waiters worked on, I’ll just post a ton of eye candy. You’ll at least have something nice to look at. 🙂
I’m getting closer to finishing up Pestilence. That’s the one I’d really like done before I head out to Vegas because I’m not sure how much writing I’ll be doing while there. 😉
Well, I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and a wicked weekend.
2 Responses “In One Week…..”
*sigh* Ari…or should I say Josh. heehee
I love that picture.
I just know you'll have a blast at both places. Good luck with the writing. 🙂
You have a great weekend as well. I hope you get everything done that you need to so you can relax and have an awesome time on your vacation. Wish I were going to RT this year, myself. Even though it's technically work, it's a fantastic time. 🙂