Friday Question…

Sorry I’m late on this. I didn’t get to bed until like 5 this morning, so I’m kind of running behind…lol.
Gina asked on Monday, how did I keep writing from becoming a “have to” instead of using it as an escape from my day job?
That’s a tough one because there are times when I feel like I’m stuck having to write these stories that I’ve promised people, and yet I don’t want to. I want to chase after other plot bunnies that happen to hop into my brain to take me down the rabbit hole. Yet even the stories I have to write can be fun.
But when I get to the point on any story where I feel forced to write it (and for some reason, my characters have decided to stop talking to me), I usually work on a different story. One that isn’t promised to anyone, or might not need to be worked on right at that moment. It helps keep things fresh in my mind. Also, it might help untangle a problem I’m having with the other story, which might be the entire reason why I was hating on it at the moment.
I do have a set amount of words I like to hit each day (around 2k), but if I don’t, I don’t beat myself up over it. Mostly because I figure I’ll be able to make it up on some other day when the words are really flowing for me. And I give myself time off from writing. I might take a day or two where I just sit around watching movies and reading. It helps recharge my creative molecules. 🙂
Does that answer your question, Gina? Do you have any follow up questions? And anyone else who might have a question for me is more than welcome to ask it, and I’ll do my level best to answer it.
I hope you all have a great Friday, and for those who celebrate it, Happy Dia de Muertos. Have a great weekend as well.
4 Responses “Friday Question…”
thanks, T.A. – that was very helpful….there was a story I was working on and it felt like pulling teeth trying to get the words on paper…taking a break to re-charge is a must! 🙂
Great question, Yvonne…and I’ll answer yours next Friday. Can you wait that long? lol 🙂
I should wait til Monday(question day!) but my question is-how did your family & friends respond to your new career as a M/M author when you first started, and when you were first published?