Every Shattered Dream Part Three available now…

Every Shattered Dream Part Three came out last Friday. I hope you were able to at least check it out. If not, here’s the link for it. 🙂 and remember it’s only $1 at Total e-Bound, but it’s also available at Amazon as well. 🙂

Also. the next book in my M/F Fallen series, Reno, came out on Friday. 🙂 Here’s the link if anyone is interested. I hope you don’t mind me posting about my MF stuff here. Now you won’t get any more than just a cover and a little ‘hey it’s out’ or I might share the cover for them. Because I know most of you aren’t coming here for my MF stuff. 😉
I finished New York last week, so now I’m going to be working on edits for Fighting Dragons, so we can get that re-released at MLR Press. Also, I’ll be working on Blindsided with Devon, and Remove the Space Between Us, book one in a new series I’m writing for Total e-Bound. So I’ll be busy. Oh plus I’ll be getting ready for GRL as well. No rest for the wicked I guess…lol
I hope you all have a great Monday.