Chasing the King of the Mountains available…

I know I promised there’d be an installment of Hearts today, but I was gone all day and didn’t get back until very late last night. So I’m sorry that it’s not up.
But good news for those of you who didn’t pre-order or grab it during the pre-release time, Chasing the King of the Mountains is available for general release now. Yay! Click here to check it out. It was so much fun to write…and it comes out during the 2013 Tour de France, so you can read it, then watch the coverage of the race and maybe have some understanding about what the commentators are saying. lol. Or maybe not because I did all that research on cricket for Sticky Wicket, and I still don’t understand the game. At First Touch, the 3rd book in the International Sports series, will be available soon for pre-order. And Devon and I are hard at work on book 4, Blindsided.

Also, the second annual GRL convention anthology, Unconventional in Atlanta, is available for pre-release download. You buy it today at a discounted price, you can read it today. 🙂 Check it out here. It’s fun to read because it takes place in Atlanta at the very hotel GRL will be at this year, during GRL. And all the stories have at least one main character who works at the hotel. So the stories are inter-releated and you’ll see characters from the other stories interact with each other throughout the anthology. It was a lot of fun to write.
Finally, I did an interview with Female First (from the UK). If you click here, you can check it out.
I promise next week I’ll be on the ball, and get those installments done on time.
I hope you all have a marvelous and safe 4th of July weekend.