Archive for Wolf’s Survival

Seriously…this week has been crazy. I haven’t been at my computer all week at work, and when I get home, all I want to do is go straight to bed…lol. Oh well, I’ll have time to write this weekend, and that’s what I plan on doing. 🙂 I really really want to get Embrace My Reflection done a.s.a.p.
I wanted to thank everyone for helping Wolf’s Survival stay on Amber Allure’s Best Seller list for a second straight month. It dropped to #4, but heck, it’s still on there, right?
Hmmm…not much else to report. I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Not Seeing is Believing available now….

My second blind vampire story, Not Seeing is Believing, will be available tonight around 7pm. at Liquid Silver Books. I’ll put up a link to it as soon as I get one. 🙂 I hope you all enjoy Barry and Anthony. Their story doesn’t have a lot of angst in it. Both men have had time to deal with their baggage for the most part. It’s mostly just about them falling in love.
This happens to be one of my all-time favorite covers. April Martinez did a great job.
And don’t forget that Wolf’s Survival came out yesterday (actually Saturday) as well.
I’m working away on some stories. I mentioned last week that I started two new stories, or at least wrote down some scenes for two new stories. One of those stories is titled Voice for the Silent, and I worked like crazy on it over the weekend. I’m at around 11k right now. Woot! I’m not sure how long it’ll end up being, but the characters in this story are really talking to me. Julio is an investigation agent for the Humane Society. He tends to go undercover to bust dog fighting rings. Paine is a young guy whose uncle runs a dog fighting kennel. He does his best to take care of the dogs, but he can only do so much. It’s a story about learning to forgive oneself and move on past tragic beginnings.
I hope you all have a great Monday.
Wolf’s Survival available now….

Wolf’s Survival is available at Amber Allure right now. Woo-hoo!
Run over and check it out. 🙂 See why you fell in love with Jacob and Ollie in the first place. lol
Also, WS will be available in paperback sometime around the middle of October.
Not Seeing is Believing release date….

I just received the release date for Not Seeing is Believing, one of my two blind vampire stories. NSiB will be out on Sept. 27th from Liquid Silver Books. They usually release them around 7 pm…so don’t panic if it isn’t available right away on Monday…lol.
Of course, you could all be busy still reading Wolf’s Survival which comes out the day before on the 26th from Amber Allure…lmao. Oh..and yes, WS will be going into print. 🙂
Oh, stop by here to read an excerpt from Not Seeing is Believing. I’ve been meaning to post an excerpt sooner, but kept forgetting. So enjoy.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend, everyone.
New Cover….

I thought I’d share the newest cover with everyone. This is for Wolf’s Survival (obviously…lol) coming out Sept. 26th from Amber Allure. I like it.
Oh, and on Friday, I’ll share the cover for Out of Light into Darkness with everyone. Woo-hoo! It looks good and is one of three books I’ll have out in August.
Writing is going well. I’m in the home stretch of I Call Death Dad and will have to figure out which story to work on after I finish it up. I love trying to decide which of my guys to listen to for a while. 😉
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Hi everyone….

Good morning everyone. I’m back…lol. I had all these great plans to introduce you to Stephan and Rocky, the boys from Shades of Dreams (my new blog story), but my flight back from my vacation derailed those.
We spent five hours in an airport after missing our connecting flight back home. Yay! I took a nap since we got up at 5:30 yesterday morning to catch the first flight on our journey home. Ugh! Ended up not getting home until 11 last night. So you get this yummy picture and I’ll try to get the bios written up for the boys tonight.
My vacation was awesome. Got to see Bon Jovi in concert, then spent five days in the mountains with friends. Woke up every morning, wandered out on the balcony to stare out over a lake with the mountains as back ground. I really didn’t want to come home…lol.
But here I am, going to be a long day of catching up on work, then tonight I have to get back into my writing routine. I did write while I was gone, but not on anything I should have been working on. 🙂 Oh well. I can get back in the swing of things quickly.
Oh, and Wolf’s Survival will be released on Sept. 26th by Amber Allure. I hope you all got to read the blog version because I’m taking that down. I added some more to the published version…which will also be going into print as well.
I hope you all had a great time while I was gone and have a wonderful Thursday.
The end is near…..

and I’m not talking about the end of the world. 🙂
Tomorrow will be the last installment for Wolf’s Survival. I do plan on adding more to it, not a bunch. Probably just an epilogue. Then I’ll be submitting it for publication. As soon as I know anything about that, I’ll let you know.
I’ll be gone on vacation, starting Friday evening until the 22nd, which is one of the reasons why I’ve decided to end WS tomorrow. I don’t have time to write up more installments to post for you all. I know, Bad TA…and I don’t want you all to have to wait until I get back. But don’t worry. There will be new eye candy every day for you. I want you to have something to look at, so you don’t forget about visiting my blog while I’m gone.
Also, on Sunday, my newest book comes out, Revealing the Past. Now the Amber Quill site will be down for maintenance (for a little while) on Sunday. So don’t panic if you experience difficulties trying to download my book. Just give it a little time…lol.
On July 12 (next Monday), Dracul’s Blood will be available in print. Woot!
I hope you all have a great Hump Day.
Fighting Dragons cover…

Very nice cover, isn’t it? Another great one from Anne Cain. 🙂
Fighting Dragons will be available on March 30th from Loose-Id.
I finished the edits on Duncan’s World (available April 4th at Amber Allure) and Wishing for a Home (available at some point in April from Liquid Silver Books) Woot!
I’m working on Revealing the Past, a story for Amber Allure. I’m close to being finished with it, so I’m focusing my attention on that one story until I’m done. 🙂 Then I’ll dig through and figure out which one I want to put on the calendar along with Not Seeing is Believing. Also, remember that Wolf’s Survival starts tomorrow.
Have a great Monday.
Quick work week….

Of course, I’ve only worked two days this week…lol. So yay! It’s Friday. 🙂
Well, yesterday was a good writing day and I’m hoping today will be another one because I’ll be doing edits this weekend on Wishing for a Home and Duncan’s World. Plus working on the first installments of Wolf’s Survival.
I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Time to Choose

Anyway, while you might like the eye candy, I’m sure you’re here to read the blurbs and vote for my newest blog story. Without further ado, here are the blurbs:
#1: Wolf’s Survival–
Fellow ranchers consider Jared Tasker a lone wolf. A man who goes his own way and who stands alone. They’ll never know how close to the truth they are. His pack slaughtered by the ancestors of those very ranchers, Jared’s learned to trust no one and accept his solitary life.
Oliver Wingate loves and respects wolves. As a conservationist, he believes they should be re-introduced into their once natural habitat. He meets resistance from all the ranchers who feel the wolves will prey on their herds.
When Olive runs afoul of some of the locals, it’s up to Jared to ensure the young idealistic man doesn’t lose his life in a battle for the wolf’s survival.
#2: Shades of Dreams–
Stephan Colby is on top of the world. He’s lead singer of one of the hottest new rock bands. His best friend is in the band as well. In addition, Stephan’s in love. Yet Fate has a way of kicking a man in the teeth and when Stephan’s world crashes around him, he turns to his Rock, the one who has always been there for him.
Rocky Sanicily has always had Stephan’s back. They’ve been through a lot together. But when Stephan loses the most important thing in his world, Rocky must do everything in his power to keep Stephan from giving up.
Just list the number of the blurb you’d like to see me write as my blog story and by next Monday, I’ll let you all know which one it’ll be. Oh and if you haven’t had a chance to catch the last couple of installments of Bastet, please do so soon. I plan on taking the links down and deleting the story from my blog history by Thursday. 🙂
Have a great Tuesday, everyone.