Archive for Why I Love Waiters
WHy I Love Waiters available…

Why I Love Waiters is available at Amber Allure now. Click here to check it out. I added about two chapters to it along with an epilogue I hope you all enjoy. 🙂
Writing on Bandit’s story is going well. I’m getting ready to start writing the first love scene. Hopefully the boys will cooperate, but while I always knew Bandit would be a handful, it appears Allen is as well. Plus a couple other new characters who’ve joined the party…lol. It should be fun.
I hope you all have a great Monday.
One Last Time…

Last time to let you know…voting in the Summer’s Hottest Hero Contest at ARe. Chuck is behind by 24 votes, but I just wanted to let you all know the round is still open until Wednesday night. 🙂 (I’m not saying to go vote for Chuck unless you want to)
Writing is going well. I’m rolling along on War, and have a bunch of stories lined up to work on when I finish this story. A character is emerging in the Horsemen stories who will be getting a story of his own. So that’s fun. I did edits on Why I Love Waiters and it’ll be out in August. Woot!
Have a great Monday.
Happy Memorial Day

I want to say thank you to all the men and women who have served in our military, and those who are serving now. What you do/did is one of the toughest jobs I know and all I can say is thank you for protecting the things this country was founded on.
This past weekend was productive. I finished two books and sent them in. Under My Bed will be released July 10th and Why I Love Waiters will be out August 7th. Plus I wrote up six synopsis to send to Total e-Bound to see if I can get them scheduled for release. If you check my sidebar for the Coming Soon section, you’ll see I have two books scheduled with them starting this fall, plus another five coming out next year. I’m hoping the publisher will say yes to the other six and fill out part of my schedule for the rest of next year and into 2013. That would be awesome. Plus I plan on filling in the other months with books to my other publishers.
Now I can’t promise I’ll have a book out every month and there will probably be months where I have two out, but still I like knowing when the books will be coming out. It’s mostly so I can let you know. 🙂
Well, I’m going to be working Pestilence. I turned it in and TeB loved it, but she wanted me to add more to it so it can going to print as well. 🙂 Of course, I told her I would. I have about 8k to add and that’s what I’ll be doing.
I hope you all have a safe, marvelous, and fun Memorial Day.
Sunny Day

It looks like today might be a nice day here. I’m hoping so. I’ll open all the windows in the house and air it out…lol. Might even go sit outside and write. I did that last Friday. It was a really nice day out, so I spent the afternoon sitting on my front porch, writing and soaking up the heat like a lizard. 😀
I’m still working on finishing up Under My Bed, but at least I’m in the homestretch, then I can start War and finish Why I Love Waiters. I won’t have a release in June. My next one will probably be UMB in July. Still not sure when Pestilence and Borderline will be out. I’ll keep you updated on those two. As soon as I hear anything about even a rough date, I’ll be sure to say something. 🙂
Hope you all have a great day.
Rather gloomy day

Have to love a strategically placed flower….lol. 😀
Well, I probably have 2-4k more left on Under My Bed, then I can call it good. I’ll fill out the forms and submit it. I’ll work on Waiters over the weekend and see if I can’t get the expanded version done, so I can let you all know when it’ll be out.
After that, it’s on to War. When it’s finished, I’ll be starting Bandit’s story, Love’s Baggage. I will tell you that Bandit’s story doesn’t take place in the same place as Nick of Time and Allergies. Max, Roman, Allen, and Bandit have to go back to where Allen and Roman were held captive and deal with their pasts. While helping get Allen and Roman free of their past, Bandit comes to terms with his own. 🙂
Plus I need to think about what my next blog story will be…or see if I can give you two blurbs to choose from. I’m going to have a busy weekend.
I hope you have a great Friday.
It’s May all ready….

Okay so where did April go? At times, it seems this year is flying by. 🙂 I’ve got so much to do and yet it doesn’t seem like I have any time to get it all done. Oh well…I’ll just keep plugging along and hope I accomplish all I want to do before the end of the year.
Writing is going well. I’m in the home stretch for Under My Bed and Why I Love Waiters. There will be maybe two more installments of Waiters, then I’ll add all the extra stuff before subbing it somewhere. 🙂 After that, I’m on to War, the next book in my Horsemen series. I have to figure out what story to offer up as the next blog one for you all. Not sure what it should be. Maybe fantasy or sci-fi since I did two contemporaries in a row. 🙂
Well, while I think on it, you all have a great Monday.
Another Monday….

This weekend was really a lazy one for me. I mostly sat around and read all weekend. Which is nice because I don’t do that very often any more. I usually will write even on the weekends. 🙂 Finished a couple books and enjoyed all of them.
But today it’s back to the grindstone…lol. I have to re-work my next YA story. Then I have to write the next installment of Waiters and do more to my Ghost PAX story. So I have a full plate today.
I hope you all had a great weekend, and aren’t too upset today is Monday. Have a awesome day.
Complete Wash…

Well, yesterday ended up being a complete wash as to me getting anything done. 🙁 I think I’m coming down with a spring cold or something. Had no interest in anything except sitting in my chair and reading.
But I’ve taken some medicine and hopefully that will help because I not only have to do the next two installments of my blog story, but I need to work on the Ghostly Affair PAX story I’m doing for Amber Allure. Once that’s done, I have to start work on the next book. My personal schedule of books is based on me finishing a book a month for a while. Which is doable…if I don’t get distracted with other things…lol.
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday…and I promise tomorrow and Friday will be Waiters days.

snow all ready. Another storm and the ground is covered in white yet again. Ugh!
That’s really all I have to say about anything today…lol. I’ve got maybe one more chapter or so on Pestilence and I’m hoping to get it done either today or tomorrow at the latest. This morning is dedicated to writing the next installment to Waiters, and getting five more installments done and scheduled to be posted, so I don’t feel guilty for not doing it. I know you all won’t pitch a fit or anything, cause you’re good people like that…. 🙂 But still, it would be nice if I got some stuff up. There will be eye candy posts for Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays like always. 🙂
I hope everyone is warm and safe this Wednesday.
Four More Days…

Before I leave for Vegas. Woot! I was going to try and get a couple installments of Waiters done before I left. So you guys wouldn’t have to wait two weeks for the next one, but I’m not sure that’ll happen. I have the last set of edits to finish up for Seduced, which will be released April 3rd from Amber Allure.
In addition to that, I have to finish Pestilence by the end of the month. Ideally, I’d like to have it done before I leave for Vegas, but I’m not sure it’ll happen because I have a ton of stuff to do to get ready for that trip, plus the the trip to RT in Los Angeles (since I won’t be coming home in between…lol)
We’ll see how this all plays out…lol. Oh on Wednesday, I’ll share the cover for my print book coming out in May. It’s called Seduced and Revealed. It contains both Seduced and Revealing the Past. I think you all will like it.
I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂