Archive for Trailing Air
I had two new books come out this weekend. On Friday, Cead Mile Milte came out. It’s a St. Patrick’s Day story. 🙂 Here’s the link to the MLR page for it, but it’s available at ARe and Amazon as well. 🙂
And Trailing Air, book 4 in the Preternatural series and Rover’s story, is out at Amber Allure. Here’s the link to it.
If you get a chance to read either or both of them, I hope you enjoy them. 🙂 Also, have an awesome Monday, everyone.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Cead Mile Milte,Covers,MLR Press,Preternaturals,Trailing Air | |1 Comment
Happy Friday, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. 🙂 I’m feeling much better and hoping to get back on track with my writing. All of it…lol
I thought I’d share two new covers I received for two of my upcoming March releases. First up is Cead Mile Milte, which is a St. Patrick’s Day story that’ll be out at MLR Press on March 13th. It’s about Finn and Sawyer, who meet at a 5k race and hit it off. It’s a short story. 🙂
Next up is Trailing Air, the long anticipated book 4 in my Preternatural series. This is Rover’s story and it will also close the over all arc that’s been going on in the first three books. It won’t be the last book in the series though. I plan on giving Jess/Pavel, Gianni/Roman and Ba’el/Raze their own stories. 🙂 (Hopefully a little quicker than I did Rover…lol) Trailing Air will be out March 15th at Amber Allure, so you’ll get two books in a row from me. (Oh also, Love’s Baggage and Trailing Air will be coming out together in a print book in April some time…so you can have all four Preternatural books in print.)
I love both of these covers. As soon as I get the cover for Shuffle of Angel’s Feet, I’ll share it with you. Shuffle will be out at the end of March from Amber Allure.
That’s all I have to share right now. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Books.,Cead Mile Milte,Covers,Love's Baggage,MLR Press,Preternaturals,Release Dates,Shuffle of Angel's Feet,Trailing Air,writing | |1 Comment
I just thought I’d drop you all a line to let you know that Trailing Air is coming along nicely. 🙂 That makes me happy. Also, you’ll be getting two installments of Angel’s Feet this week, even with the holiday.
I hope everyone is safe and warm today. I’m off to workout then to get writing. Yay!
Filed under: Trailing Air,writing | |No Comments
Sorry. I meant to post this earlier, but got caught up in other things. 🙂 I thought I’d give you all a glimpse into Rover’s story, Trailing Air. It’s book 4 in the Preternatural series. It needs to be done by Dec. 1st, then it’ll be out early next year. I’m also hoping to put it in print with Love’s Baggage, so that the first 4 books can be in print together. 🙂
Trailing Air copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
Rover stretched as he rolled over in his bed. He groaned when he saw the time, not liking the fact that he had to get up earlier than he usually did. Especially after sitting up most of the night listening to everyone discuss what Elwin had told them.
Thinking about the dragon caused Rover’s cock to stiffen, and since he was alone with no one to judge him about his attraction, he ran his hand down his chest to wrap his fingers around his dick. He brought up an image of Elwin’s face with those plump lips.
“Christ! I bet he sucks like a Hoover,” he muttered, closing his eyes and pumping his hand up and down.
He created a daydream where Elwin was crouched between his legs, his blue hair spread out, covering Rover’s groin. It would be soft and silky, which would feel amazing against Rover’s skin. Elwin’s mouth would be warm, wet, and tight around his shaft.
After tightening his grip to the point of pain, Rover started thrusting and in his mind, it was almost like fucking Elwin’s mouth. He rubbed his thumb over the crown of his cock, smearing the drops of pre-cum around the flared head. With each swipe and tug, Rover pushed himself closer and closer to the brink.
Finally, with a hard twist and pump, he came, coating his hand and stomach with come. He lay there, trying to catch his breath.
“Well that was impressive,” a drool voice came from the corner of the room.
“What the fuck?” Rover jumped from the bed and dropped into a crouch on the floor facing the direction of the voice. Snarling, he allowed his wolf to take over and he shifted.
Once his vision cleared, he growled and Elwin chuckled. The dragon leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He wore jeans and a sweater with some kind of pattern on it. Rover couldn’t tell what color anything was as a wolf, but he could smell and, Gods, Elwin’s scent made him want to bury his nose in his crotch and fill his nose with it.
“Now. Now.” Elwin tsked. “I did knock.”
Rover let go of his wolf, allowing it to slink back into the center of his being. Once he was standing on his own two feet again, he propped his fists on his hips and glared at Elwin.
“When did you knock and how long did you wait for an answer?”
Elwin’s appreciative gaze trailed over him and Rover could feel his cock start taking interest again. He stomped over to his dresser where he dug out a pair of sweats to tug on. Then he pulled a T-shirt out. Once he was dressed, he turned to face Elwin, only to find he’d disappeared.
“Where the fuck are you,” he called.
A laugh drifted from downstairs and he jogged down to see Elwin sitting at the island counter in his kitchen. He sniffed, whining slightly as the fragrance of freshly brew coffee and blueberry muffins hit him.
“You made coffee and blueberry muffins?”
Elwin shrugged. “It wasn’t hard to figure out your maker. I picked up the muffins at the bakery in the town. I set them in the oven to warm again since I wasn’t sure when you’d be getting up.”
“So you’ve been in my house for a while?” Rover wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but for some reason, he wasn’t as upset as he probably should’ve been at a stranger—possibly an enemy—invading his territory.
“Long enough to see how you start your days.” Elwin wiggled his eyebrows and leered at Rover, who sighed.
“Seriously? I know you said you were several thousands of years old, but you’re acting like you’re twelve right now.” He could feel his cheeks heat. Thank God, Elwin can’t read minds. I don’t want the guy to know just how attractive I find him.
Filed under: Preternaturals,Trailing Air,Wednesday WiPs | |2 Comments
From the Rubble is available now at Amber Allure. Click here. It’s part of the Heavy Petting Vol. 2 PAX, so is discounted as well. Â It’s about Keaton Goodwin, who does Search and Rescue with his Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kaiser. He meets Nodin Standing Bear in Bogota, Colombia during a natural disaster.
I’m sorry I’ve been terrible about  blogging. Last week, I had to get a ton of guest blogs done for a blog tour for Barefoot Dancing, which is due out in general release at the end of the month. It’s available for early download now.
Also, I’ve started Trailing Air, Rover’s story and book 4 in the Preternaturals series. I want to get it done this week, so I’m working hard on it. I’ll be starting Snap Decision, book 2 in the Delarosa Secrets trilogy, this week as well. Really busy the next couple of weeks, but I’m going to try very hard to get Angel’s Feet installments done and up too.
I hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Delarosa Secrets,From the Rubble,Preternaturals,Rags to Riches,Trailing Air,writing | |No Comments

An Ace in the Tiebreak, Book 8 in the International Men of Sports series, is available now at all 3rd party sellers. (ARe and Amazon) You can check it out here.
Also, I got the cover for Borderline, which is a re-release at Totally Bound. I love this cover, plus there will be two more books in the Delarosa Secrets series coming next year. 🙂 Borderline will be out in February.

I finished Deserves to be Adored, which is a story for a Amber Allure PAX. It should be out early next year. I’m working on a St. Patrick’s Day story for MLR Press. 🙂 After that, I’ll be working on Trailing Air, Rover’s story. Yes, finally….lol
Next week I’m going to be in Chicago for GRL. I’m going to try and get the two blog installments up and scheduled before I go. If I don’t, I’m sorry. 🙂
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,An Ace in the Tiebreak,Borderline,Covers,Delarosa Secrets,Deserved to be Adored,GayRomLit,International Men of Sports,MLR Press,PAX,Preternaturals,Release Dates,Totally Bound,Trailing Air,writing | |No Comments
Sorry…I meant to post this earlier, but I jumped out of bed and got moving on errands and a run. 🙂
I’m not going to give you a choice this week for the new blog story. This week, I’m focusing on the last Rags to Riches story, Barefoot Dancing. The 5th book, Walking in the Rain, isn’t out yet. It should be out in November for general release. I’ll definitely give you updates when it’s available. 🙂
I’m also working on Search and Rescue, which is a story for Amber Allure’s Heavy Petting PAX (featuring and a project I’m doing with Jackie Nacht. As soon as that one’s done, I’ll give you all the information on that as well.
Also, some have asked about Rover’s story in the Preternatural series. I plan on writing it later on this year for another Amber Allure PAX. I don’t know for sure when it’ll be available, but it should be some time early next year. 🙂 I promise.
I hope you’re all having a great day.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Rags to Riches,Search and Rescue,Totally Bound,Trailing Air,Walking in the Rain,writing | |No Comments

Sorry I’m late posting this, but I just got in from shoveling out my driveway. Ugh! The first big snow of the season, which is pretty with the sun shining down on it, but I hate the fact it means there’s just going to be more coming at some point.
Of course, my hubby told me I shouldn’t get upset. I could hibernate inside the house all winter, calling him with my grocery order for him to pick up on the way home from work. I guess that is one awesome thing about working from home. I don’t actually have to go out in the cold if I don’t want to. Woot!
I’ve writing like a fiend the last couple of days. Adding a nice bit to Death, and I’m hoping the trend will continue. 🙂 And when I’m done with Death for the day, I work on Trailing Air, Rover’s story.
Also, I wanted to remind you of the Christmas/Holiday stories MLR Press is releasing. One (or maybe two on Fridays) a day until Dec. 31st. Click
here to check them out. They’re all different lengths…and prices, but they are by some of the best M/M authors writing today. I’m going to be picking up JP Bowie’s story,
Christmas Wishes, today. Yay!
I hope you have a great Wednesday. Be safe for all of you who got snow last night.
Filed under: Death.,Eye Candy,Pimping Books. Writing,Trailing Air | |3 Comments

The week is over, and the weekend will be beginning in eight hours…give or take an hour or two…lol.
I’m over the hump, and am on the downward slide of Famine. I only have about 18k or so to finish up. After that, it’ll be Death, and after that, depending on when I get Death finish, I’m hoping to get to Trailing Air, Rover’s story in the Preternatural series.
If I don’t have time to do Rover’s story, I’ll be starting a new series for Total e-Bound about an alternative universe called The Beasor Chronicles. I already have release dates for the three books in that series. They will also be long enough to be out in print on their own. Woot! The three books in The Beasor Chronicles are the ones I’ve always referred to Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves…lol. My homage to Cher, though they don’t have any thing to with gypsies as we know them. 🙂
Well, I better get to writing. Have a full schedule, trying to get the last two Horsemen books done by November. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
Filed under: Beasor Chronicles,Death.,Eye Candy,Famine,Four Horsemen,Preternaturals,Trailing Air | |1 Comment

of the week and War, the second Horsemen book. Woot! I’ll definitely have it finished by Sunday, which was my goal all along. It’ll be around 52k, which means it’ll be going into print at Total e-Bound. 🙂 I’m making sure all of the Horsemen books are long enough to go into print. That way each book has it’s own cover and everything. 🙂 Also, there’ll be a fifth book, not really part of the series, but there’s a reoccurring character in each story that needs his own, so I talked to my editor, and she said send her a synopsis and we’ll see what we can do. I really hope everyone likes the Horsemen series. They’ve been interesting to write.
Cynthia, you asked about Yancey and Juan from the Home series. Well, I know I’ve said this before and it hasn’t happened, but I really do plan on writing about them soon. My schedule is filled for the rest of this year and I don’t plan on adding any other books into it. Couldn’t even if I wanted to…lol…that’s how packed it is. But I’ve written out a schedule for myself listing each book I want to write for each month and the last two Home books are scheduled in for next year. Leaving Home, Peter’s story, I’m going to have finished by April, and Home Sweet Home, Yancey and Juan’s story, I’m going to have done by June. I’m hoping that will mean they’ll both be out next year as well. I’m not sure what kind of release schedule Liquid Silver is running on right now. I’m sticking to that schedule if it kills me…lol
What’s my schedule look like, you might ask. Well, it’s a 24×36 dry erase board and I have 2011 thru 2018 written on there. Yep, I have stories planned out to 2018. Titles are listed under each year with the month I plan on having them finished by. I have six stories left to write this year. Two of them are really short Christmas stories, so they shouldn’t be too hard to knock out. The other four are Love’s Baggage, Bandit’s story from Preternatural series. Famine and Death from the Horsemen series. And Trailing Air, Rover’s story from the Preternatural series. So I’m hoping to have both series pretty much wrapped up by the end of the year. Sure, there’ll be one more in the Preternatural series, and that’s Jess/Pavel’s story, but I’m going to fit that in next year. And the spin-off book for the Horsemen series, but that one will be a stand alone. You won’t need to read the first four to understand what’s happening in this one.
I thought you might be interested in what I’ve got planned out in the next couple of months. Next year there will also be new stories coming out. I have two new series planned at Total e-Bound. I think you’ll enjoy both of them. At least I hope so. 🙂
Well I’ve babbled enough to everyone. Back to my ‘office’ to finish up War and fill out the cover art/blurb forms for War, and the other two Horsemen books. Might as well get those done, so all I have to do is write the books…lol.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Filed under: Death.,Eye Candy,Famine,Home Sweet Home,Leaving Home,Love's Baggage,Trailing Air,War,writing | |7 Comments
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