Archive for Stealing Life
Monday Update…and New Blog Story….
Let me introduce you to Chad, the main character in our next blog story, Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace. π It was close..only four votes separated the two. But Finding Peace pulled it out in the end at 20 votes…while Why I Love Bodyguards had 16. Thank you all for voting, and I’m going to have to re-read Finding Love to refresh my memory. I’m going to try my darnedest to get you the first installment tomorrow. Just depends on if I have enough time today with the other writing I need to do. If I don’t get that done, then you’ll have a new one on Thursday for sure.
Got good news about some print releases. Chasing the King of the Mountains and Unconventional in Atlanta will be out in print in September, so those of you coming to GRL in October could bring your copies for us to sign. Stealing Life will be out in print in October, probably not in time for GRL, but still you’ll be able to get a print version of that one as well eventually. Yay!
I’m still working on some Tiffany stories, but I do plan on doing some TA stories during August, so I’ll be able to give you updates about those during the month.
Have a great day.
Stealing Life is available again….

For those of you who haven’t read Stealing Life yet, it’s available again at Total e-Bound. Click here to check it out. π If you have already read it, don’t feel obligated to pick this version up. I didn’t really change much in it and I didn’t add anything, so you could read the old version and still be fine. π Though this version will be coming out in print at some point in the fall, I believe. Yay! Β lol

Next to come out will be Chasing the King of the Mountains co-written with Devon Rhodes. It’ll be out next week on the 5th. It’s available now for immediate download and a discount if you’re a member of TEB’s VIP program, which I’m pretty sure just means you have to sign up for their newsletter…lol.

And this is the cover for Part One of Every Shattered Dream, my serial coming out at TEB. Part One comes out on August 23rd, and it’ll be free, though I actually think it’ll be .99 cents at Amazon for some reason only Amazon knows…lol. Click here to check it out. But if you download it from TEB, it’s free. The other four parts will be coming out every two weeks or so. Β I used the songs Riding With Private Malone by David Ball, and Dress Blues by Jason Isbell as inspiration for this story. Β I’m really hoping you like it. To be honest, it’s been on my to be written list for a long time, and when the opportunity came up to write the serial, I thought Dream would work out perfectly for it.

Also, for those of you who might still read M/F stories, my paranormal story, Fallen:Detroit, under my other pen name, Tiffany Aaron, is coming out August 23rd as well. Click here to check it out. It’s just on the coming soon page, not up for pre-order or anything like that yet. π I hope if you do read M/F, you give my Tiffany stories a try…lol. If you don’t read M/F stories anymore, that’s all right. I won’t force you to buy my M/F books…lmao.
So that seems to be all the news I have today. I’m working on Final Line Edits for the other four parts of Every Shattered Dream, and I’m working on Always Ready, my coast guard/crab fisherman story. Plus I’m also working on Blindsided, which is the 4th book in our International Sports series. This one takes place in Australia…yay!…lol. That’s what my busy weekend looks like.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
New Cover….

the last couple of Fridays I’ve been neglectful about posting Sorry about that. I get busy with other things, and while I think about posting, I never actually get around to it. So I thought I’d sit and put something up while I’m thinking about it. π
This is the cover for my story in the Unconventional in Atlanta anthology. It goes up for pre-order on July 5th…and will be general release in August. Again, they’ll release all the stories separately around November and December. Mine comes out in December on its own. I love this cover because it fits perfectly with the story. π

Also, Stealing Life is up for VIP pre-release now. If you didn’t get it when it was available at the other publisher, well…now’s your time. It’s discounted as well. π For those of you who already bought it before, you don’t need to pick this up unless you love the new cover…lol. Which I love both covers this story has gotten. π The only difference in this version is I pared it down a little. so it’s a little shorter than the original version, but not by much. π
I’m working on Every Shattered Dream and At First Touch today…hoping to get both of them wrapped up in the next couple of days, so I can get back to work on Restoration Project and a few other short stories I want to finish up.
Have a great day, everyone.
Wednesday Work in Progress..
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to add anything to my current Work in Progress…the last bit added was the scene I shared with you last Thursday. π But I’m hoping to change that today…after I get the first set of edits done for Home Sweet Home, and the next installment for the blog story done. Then I’ll start working on The Occasional Prostitute. Yay!
Stealing Life final edits were done last night, and turned into my editor, so those will be finalized. It’ll be a while before it’s up on the coming soon page because it doesn’t come out for general release until July. π But as soon as it’s up, I’ll let you know. To be honest, nothing’s been added to the story, and some scenes have been deleted, simply because they didn’t really further the story.
Oh, and I’ll be dipping my feet back into the M/F waters again. That’s where I started my publishing career, then I discovered M/M books, and at the time, I found them far Β more interesting. But now, I want to branch out and start writing both. My M/F will be under a different pen name, so when you see TA Chase, you’ll always know it’ll be guys touching guys. π
I’ll reveal my M/F pen name when the contracts for my series are signed and it’s all official. For those of you who still read M/F stories.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday, and I promise to have something new to share with you next week. Oh and I have a new cover to share with you on Friday.
Sorry…have a ton of edits
Hey everyone, I’m sure you’re wondering where the next installment for the blog story is. Well, unfortunately, I didn’t get to it last night. I have a bunch of edits to do on Stealing Life, Home Sweet Home, and finishing up edits on Sticky Wicket. I’m going to try and get them done today, then hopefully I can do the installment. If not, it might not be until Thursday and Friday that you get the next two installments. π Sorry.
Also, for Erika S. and anyone else who was wondering, the only one of the first three Home books that has been added to is Wishing for a Home. I had to add about 5-6k to get it long enough to go into print like the other ones. I’m not sure if that’s enough of a difference to be able to tell when you read the new version. I understand anyone who is on a budget for books, so I guess I’d say save your money for Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. Then if you get a little extra cash, maybe pick up Wishing. π
I hope you all have a great day while I spend mine in editing mode.
Home of His Own available now….

Home of His Own is available now at Total e-Bound, if you didn’t pick it up the first time it was out. Click here to check it out. π This will be available in print at some point in the near future as well.

Dreaming of Dragons was re-released by MLR Press on Friday. Just re-edited as well, but it will be available in print at some point. π Yay! Click here to check it out.
Home Sweet Home was turned in on Thursday night. Yay! It’ll be out in May..and up for pre-order in the next couple of months. The Home series was the first series I ever started writing. Of course, it’s taken seven long years to get it done. I appreciate all of you sticking with me and bugging me every chance you got about Yancey and Juan. I hope you feel I did their story justice when you get to read it.
I’m working on my GRL anthology story, The Occasional Prostitute, and I’m hoping to get that done in the next couple of days. Then I’ll be working on the second book in the International Men of Sports series that I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes, which is titled Chasing the King of the Mountains. It’s about a French cyclist and a French reporter, and takes place during the Tour de France. As you can tell, we’re trying to feature sports that might not always get spotlighted in stories, and we wanted sports that are popular in a particular country. Cricket in India, Cycling in France, Soccer/Football in Germany, Rugby in Australia, Curling and Hockey in Canada, and Beach Volleyball in Brazil.
Also, I’ll be working on Thieves, the last book in The Beasor Chronicles, and at some point next week, I’ll be starting Pray for the Thunder, a short story for MLR Press. π So while it looks like I have a bunch of stuff to do (and I do), I think I have it under control.
Of course, I’ll have edits mixed in there…lol. I actually have edits on Stealing Life, which will be re-released by Total e-Bound on July 1st, and within the next day or two, I’ll have edits for Home Sweet Home. But edits are okay. They don’t take nearly as long as writing the books themselves. (usually)
Okay, so I hope you all have a good Monday. Those who were hardest hit by the snowstorm, I hope you’re all safe and sound. Digging out is crappy.
From Yesterday is rolling along nicely. As soon as I come up with a blurb, I’ll share it with you. π News on the Coming Soon front. Looks like we’re going to release Where the Devil Dances in February next year. What that means is Leaving Home, Home Sweet Home, and Stealing Life will be pushed back a month. Don’t worry…they’re still coming out next year, but this gives me a little breathing space for the two haven’t been written yet. Just in case they cause me as much trouble as Tramps did. lol
Well, I’ll be writing soon. Need to get the next installment of my blog story done, and hopefully another 3k on FY. Yay! Have a great Monday.
Good news

Well, as those of you who visit my site might have realized I took back my rights to all of my books at Liquid Silver. I’ve been finding homes for them, and Total e-Bound has been gracious enough to pick up my Home series, and Stealing Life, so far. They’re looking at a few of my other ones as well. But unfortunately, Angel’s Evolution wasn’t a good fit for them, so I sent it to MLR Press and asked them what they thought.
My awesome editor, Kris, has offered me a contract for Angel, which includes both ebook and print format. Yay! So Angel will have a new home and will also be in print. I can’t wait…lol. I have two more books planned in The Transformation Series (I had to come up with a series title when I decided to write two more books…lol) Devil’s Temptation and Shade’s Enlightenment. I’m hoping when my schedule opens up a little bit more closer to the end of this year, I’ll be able to write them for release some time next year. Once I get outlines written for them, I might be able to give you a better idea of when they’ll be out.
I have to really knuckle down and get cracking on Tramps. It’s been a rough go with this story. Not sure why, but finally it’s starting to flow and I’m hoping to get it done by the middle of May. π
Have a great weekend, everyone. I’ll be writing away…lol