Archive for Shade’s Enlightenment
Good news

Well, as those of you who visit my site might have realized I took back my rights to all of my books at Liquid Silver. I’ve been finding homes for them, and Total e-Bound has been gracious enough to pick up my Home series, and Stealing Life, so far. They’re looking at a few of my other ones as well. But unfortunately, Angel’s Evolution wasn’t a good fit for them, so I sent it to MLR Press and asked them what they thought.
My awesome editor, Kris, has offered me a contract for Angel, which includes both ebook and print format. Yay! So Angel will have a new home and will also be in print. I can’t wait…lol. I have two more books planned in The Transformation Series (I had to come up with a series title when I decided to write two more books…lol) Devil’s Temptation and Shade’s Enlightenment. I’m hoping when my schedule opens up a little bit more closer to the end of this year, I’ll be able to write them for release some time next year. Once I get outlines written for them, I might be able to give you a better idea of when they’ll be out.
I have to really knuckle down and get cracking on Tramps. It’s been a rough go with this story. Not sure why, but finally it’s starting to flow and I’m hoping to get it done by the middle of May. 🙂
Have a great weekend, everyone. I’ll be writing away…lol