Archive for Seduced

Remember…the next installment of The Longest Stride will be up tomorrow. I’ve got one more chapter to write on Under My Bed and I’m going to get it done today. 🙂
But I wanted to let you all know I have a new print book out from Amber Allure. It’s titled
Seduced and Revealed. It has
Seduced and
Revealing the Past in it. The connecting theme is Venice. Also, two of the characters are connected, but it might not be obvious…lol.
I hope you all have a great Tuesday…and I promise The Longest Stride will be back tomorrow.
Filed under: Revealing the Past,Seduced,Seduced and Revealed,The Longest Stride,Under My Bed,writing | |2 Comments

Seduced actually came out yesterday…or maybe even Saturday…at Amber Allure. Here’s the buy
link. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy it.
Here’s the blurb as well:
Clive Fishburne, the youngest son of the Earl of Wiltseshire, is on his Grand Tour. As a sickly child, he dreamed of visiting Venice and makes sure it’s the last stop before he is to return to England. With his best friend, Viscount Freemont, he arrives in Venice to enjoy Carnival, the week before Lent starts.
At a ball, he’s seduced by a masked stranger, and Clive gives into the pleasures about which he has always wondered. Damiano takes Clive to heights he’s never experienced, and in the process, Clive falls in love with the mysterious Italian. Then one night, Damiano fails to appear at a planned rendezvous, and Clive wonders if the man is done playing with him.
Heartbroken and sick, Clive returns to England, wondering if Damiano’s confession of love is real or simply the magic of Carnival where all things are hidden behind masks…
Hope you check it out and have a great Monday.
Filed under: Blurbs,Covers,Release Dates,Seduced | |4 Comments

Well, actually I’m already in Phoenix. Hanging here for a few days before heading up to LA with my friend for RT.
C flew home today. 🙁 It was nice to spend time with our friends. Had a blast in Vegas.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. Oh and Seduced comes out on Sunday at Amber Allure. Check it out if you get a chance.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Seduced | |2 Comments

Before I leave for Vegas. Woot! I was going to try and get a couple installments of Waiters done before I left. So you guys wouldn’t have to wait two weeks for the next one, but I’m not sure that’ll happen. I have the last set of edits to finish up for Seduced, which will be released April 3rd from Amber Allure.
In addition to that, I have to finish Pestilence by the end of the month. Ideally, I’d like to have it done before I leave for Vegas, but I’m not sure it’ll happen because I have a ton of stuff to do to get ready for that trip, plus the the trip to RT in Los Angeles (since I won’t be coming home in between…lol)
We’ll see how this all plays out…lol. Oh on Wednesday, I’ll share the cover for my print book coming out in May. It’s called Seduced and Revealed. It contains both Seduced and Revealing the Past. I think you all will like it.
I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
Filed under: Eye Candy,Pestilence,Revealing the Past,Seduced,Seduced and Revealed,Why I Love Waiters | |7 Comments