Archive for Playing the Game
Wednesday Wisdom…

This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the more they give, the more they possess. -Rainer Maria Rilke
Rilke is one of my favorite poets. 🙂
Writing went well last night, so I’m happy with the progress I’m making. Yay!
I realized something last night. I’ve been offered a contract on Out of Light into Darkness by Total e-Bound. I’ll give you more information on that on Friday. (not meaning to tease or anything like that) But with this one coming out this year as well, I’ll have fourteen books out this year. Not including my print book, Tabloid Love. Which is two more than last year (if you don’t count my other print release, Playing the Game).
Woot! My goal every year has always been to have at least one more book out than I did the year before. I do realize that I can reach a point where that won’t be possible…lol. But I haven’t gotten to it yet. So there’s always another goal for me. 🙂
I hope you all have a wicked Wednesday.
Filed under: Out of Light into Darkness,Playing the Game,Tabloid Love,writing | |9 Comments
Spring is almost here….

Of course, I think we’re supposed to get snow this weekend. Woot! Hopefully, it’ll be the last we get and we can move into warmer weather and sun. 🙂
Well, Revealing the Past is done and turned in. It’ll be out later this summer. When I get an exact date, I’ll let everyone know.
As you know, my goal every year has always been to have one more book out than I did last year. I wasn’t sure I’d make that goal because 2009 was a great year release-wise for me. I had 12 books out last year (not counting the print release of Playing the Game.) With the contracting of Revealing the Past, I have hit that mark for this year. So the next book contracted will be my 13th and will hit my goal. Anything else contracted and released will be gravy. 🙂
I’m really excited about it, considering I work a full-time job as well as write. Maybe if I keep this up, I’ll be able to make writing my full-time job…which has always been my dream. We’ll have to see how well the rest of the year goes.
I hope you all have a great Friday, and a marvelous weekend.
Filed under: Books.,Playing the Game,Revealing the Past | |10 Comments
Holiday Freebie
First big news of the day is I have a Holiday Freebie available at the Samhellion. It’s titled Four Gold Rings and features the boys from the Love of Sports series. It’s a free download, so run and grab it. Also, it kicks off Samhain’s December Holiday Freebie month. Almost every day there’ll be another free story to download and enjoy from all the marvelous Samhain authors. My story is a short goodie. 🙂

Second great news of the day is that Playing the Game is out officially, though it’s been available to pre-order for a while now. And some of you might have gotten your copies already. I know the one copy I pre-ordered from Amazon showed up on my doorstep last week. 🙂
Out of Bounds – Basketball player Kasey Johnson keeps his sexual preference out of the public eye. He thinks his secret is safe until he meets Ingram Fletcher. Gram has lusted after Kasey for over a year, but he’s been unsure if its safe to make a play. Then an impromptu kiss leaves him wondering if a relationship is possible now, and beyond March Madness. And if Kasey is ready make a fast break out of his comfort zone.
High Line – Race driver CJ Lamont’s world comes tumbling down when his ex-wife reveals the truth about his private life. As he hits rock bottom, rescue comes from an unexpected source, Garrett Johnson, Hollywood’s hottest leading man. After his twin brother falls in love, Garrett acutely feels the emptiness in his own life. He tells himself offering CJ a shoulder to lean on is only temporary. But the two men grow closer and CJ realizes he has a decision to make whether to rebuild the lie, or admit his love for Garrett.
I also signed the contract for Wishing for a Home, my next Home book…which means it’ll be out in the spring of 2010. Woot!
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Filed under: Four Gold Rings,Free story,Playing the Game,Wishing for a Home | |13 Comments
Yay! Thank you.

I received good news yesterday. 🙂 Nick of Time is still #1 on the Amber Allure best seller list for Sept. And Bitter Creek’s Redemption is #2. Woo-hoo!
Thank you to everyone who bought both or either of the books. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. 😀 I hope you enjoyed the stories.
Another thing I forgot all about was that Bitter Creek’s Redemption is my 20th book released. Wow. It all started with No Going Home coming out in 2006 and now by the end of 2009, I’ll have 21 books out. (I’m not counting Playing the Game since it’s just a combination of two stories that have already been released…lol) And it was only last Dec. when Bound by Love, my 10th book, came out.
2009 has been a good year so far and I still have three months left…lol. 🙂 I’m not sure if I answered this question or not, but someone asked when/if Bitter Creek’s Redemption was going to be in print. I believe it should be sometime in the middle of October. That’s how it usually works.
Also, I will be doing a couple sequels for Nick of Time and Allergies, but they are on the schedule to be started later. I have to finish up Fighting Dragons, which is running on schedule…lol. Then His Heart’s Home will be next in line to finish up.
Well, I think that’s pretty much everything at the moment. It’s a chilly, but sunny day here, so not all too bad for a Monday.
I hope you all have a great day. 🙂
P.S. Thanks to Jen, if you click here, you can not only see the cover for Playing the Game, but pre-order it from Amazon. 😉 Hugs to Jen for sending me the link.
Filed under: Allergies,Bitter's Creek Redemption,Eye Candy,Fighting Dragons,His Heart's Home,Nick of Time,No Going Home,Playing the Game,writing | |11 Comments
New Contract

It’s only right that I share another picture of Ari, who I used as inspiration for Josh Bauer in Tabloid Star. I just signed a contract today for a new Josh and Ryan story. It’s a short story that takes place on New Year’s Eve. The boys are getting married. 🙂 Woo-hoo!
Pretty awesome, isn’t it? I have the print versions of Out of Bounds and High Line coming out in the beginning of December in one book titled Playing the Game. Then With This Ring will be out some time in December, I assume. Haven’t gotten the official date yet. 🙂 Plus there might be another little bonus Christmas story featuring the guys from my Sports books available as well. Have to wait to hear on that one.
Writing is going well. Bailey and David are cooperating with me, so I’m happy about that. We’ll see how fast Fighting Dragons gets written. I’m hoping pretty fast because there are some other stories that I want to get working on and finished.
I hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Eye Candy,High Line,Out of Bounds,Playing the Game,With This Ring,writing | |8 Comments
Woo-Hoo! It’s Friday

It’s Friday and I’m looking forward to the weekend. I hope you all are as well. As long as it doesn’t rain or get too unbearably hot. 🙂
I got a peek at the cover flat for my Samhain print release, that’s scheduled to come out in Dec. (But as you know, the date’s subject to change until it actually comes out…lol) Oh boy, is it pretty. I’m sure you all will love it as much as I do. When I get the okay, I’ll post it here for you to drool over. Playing the Game has both Out of Bounds and High Line in it. So you get both Johnson boys for the price of one…lol.
Other stories are rolling and I’m hoping to get at least one finished over the weekend. Then I’ll be starting Fighting Dragons along with finishing a couple other works in progress that need to be completed. 🙂
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Playing the Game,Release Dates,writing | |6 Comments