Archive for Pimping Books. Writing
Monday again…
Check out what I saw from my kitchen in my backyard….not really. And not that any of you really thought there’d be penguins in my backyard. Though that would have been totally awesome…lol. It did snow last night though, and I’m not very happy about it. I’m hoping the roads are good, so I can go up and visit my mom today. Didn’t get up there yesterday because I had a headache.
Okay…to update you on my writing. Home Sweet Home is going well. Not as far along as I’d like, but still I’m sure I can get it done by the end of the month. 🙂 The Occasional Prostitute (my contribution to the 2013 GRL antho) is coming along as well.
Also, Devon Rhodes and I have started our book. We’re writing a series of six stories about men and international sports. So the sports aren’t going to be your usual basketball, baseball, or anything like that. A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is the first in the series, and it’s about cricket and is set in India. Hopefully when it comes out, you’ll all love it. 🙂
Plus Ninja Cupcakes is out for general release at Total e-Bound, and Home of his Own is up for VIP download. If anyone is interested in them, or for some reason, doesn’t have them yet. Wishing for a Home has hit the coming soon page at TeB and No Going Home is available in print starting today.
Oh…and my marvelous editor at MLR Press, Kris Jacen, has an interview at Top2Bottom Review. Please take a minute to stop by and read it. She talks about how busy an editor’s life really is. In my opinion, editors have the tough job out there. At times, I think writing is hard, but really I’m just putting  down on ‘paper’ the daydreams in my head. Kris has to make sure those daydreams make sense. 🙂
Almost forgot the link. Click here.
Well, I have a lot of work to do…and not enough hours in the day to do it. I hope you all have an awesome Monday.
The Subtlety of Understanding is out

The Subtlety of Understanding has been re-released by MLR Press today. It’s a combination of Understanding Forgiveness and Understanding the Past. Also, it’ll be out in print in two week or so. Yay!
Now that they are at a different publisher, I’m planning on writing more in the series. There were a few couples whose stories were left unresolved, so their stories will be added to my schedule. 🙂
And for those who are wondering about the Home series, don’t worry. They will be re-released as well, starting in October of this year. And the last two Home books will be out in Feb. and Mar. of next year. The awesome news about that is all the Home books will be in print as well. 🙂 Just so you know, there won’t be anything new in No Going Home. Home of his Own won’t have the little short story at the end, but it’ll be released as a free book later on. Wishing for a Home has been added to, so it’s now long enough to go into print.
I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Ugh Snow

A book or Two I think you should know about…
One Touch, One Glance: A Sweet Romance Anthology came out yesterday, starring none other than a frequent commenter here at No Boundaries and one of my bestest online friends, Jambrea Jo Jones. I’ll admit I haven’t gotten a chance to read all of the stories in the antho yet, but I know for a fact that Jambrea’s story, The Forever Guy, is awesome. 🙂 If you’re looking for something sweet that isn’t fattening for the holidays…lol..then I think you’ll like this book.

Another story I think you might like is My Fair Monster by Lila Dubois. It’s paranormal..has monsters, Hollywood and hot…hot…sex. With intriguing uses for electric toothbrushes that I’m sure the manufacturers never planned on…lol.
I’m doing some more writing on Tabloid Star..whose heroes’ inspirations you saw on Monday. On Friday, I plan to show you who I’m using as inspiration for Max and Derek of His Heart’s Home.
Plus I have to say thank you again to everyone who has bought Bound by Love. I’m still holding on to the #1 spot on Samhain’s Top Ten Bestseller list. It’s been close to a week with some other wonderful books being released in that time, so I’m amazed and humbled that I’ve managed to last this long.
Thank you all again and I hope you’re having a great Wednesday.
Friday Pimping…

The picture has nothing to do with the book I’m pimping today, but I love it. There’s just something about the sepia tone and overall mood of it that struck me. 🙂
The book I’m pimping today isn’t a m/m book at all. It’s a mystery called THE DAUGHTER OF TIME by Josephine Tey. I read it this week and throughly enjoyed it.
Here’s the blurb:
Josephine Tey is often referred to as the mystery writer for people who don’t like mysteries. Her skills at character development and mood setting, and her tendency to focus on themes not usually touched upon by mystery writers, have earned her a vast and appreciative audience. In Daughter of Time, Tey focuses on the legend of Richard III, the evil hunchback of British history accused of murdering his young nephews. While at a London hospital recuperating from a fall, Inspector Alan Grant becomes fascinated by a portrait of King Richard. A student of human faces, Grant cannot believe that the man in the picture would kill his own nephews. With an American researcher’s help, Grant delves into his country’s history to discover just what kind of man Richard Plantagenet was and who really killed the little princes.
It was fascinating for me to read. I’ve heard both sides of the argument about Richard III and it’s an intriguing debate. After reading the story, I can why it spawned an entire society dedicated to clearing Richard’s name.
I’m in a historical mystery mood (though that one wasn’t technically a historical mystery. It was written in the 1950s, so it has that feel to it.) I finished another this week that takes place in the early months of the Prince Regent’s reign. 🙂
Do you have any recommendations? (It can be for any type of book…any genre. I’m not picky)
Also, I have a general question. I’m tossing around the idea of getting my poems together into a book. Now I would probably end having to self-publish it. Simply because I don’t know many publishers who do poetry books. Who would be interested in a book like that from me? (I promise not to hold you to it if you say you would be interested. 😉 )
Hope everyone has a good Friday.
Pimping Friday…
First one up is Seti’s Heart by Kiernan Kelly. I haven’t read this one yet, but it sounds really good. 🙂 Check the blurb out here. I also like the cover.
The second one is The Good Thief by James Buchanan. I read this this week and enjoyed it. Check this out here. Another great cover as well.
I also read Devil’s Fire by Sara Bell. I’ve read other books by Sara and enjoyed all of them. This one was no exception. Interesting cover. Click here to read the blurb.
Just to let everyone know…I’m working on the blurb for the next blog story. I’ll be posting it soon to see if you’d like to read the story. It’s an idea that struck me one night and I’ve written a little bit on it all ready.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Pimping Books

There are so many books I need to pimp, but I’m just doing two today. I’ll save the others for later Fridays. In case I run out of them…lol.
Like I said there are a few other books out there from some of my favorite authors that have had releases lately. I’ll get to them soon. (reading and pimping them).
I hope you all have a great day.
Pimping Books’s another BCPI book from Ally Blue. Woo-Hoo! I haven’t read it yet. Saving it as my treat for finishing some books. 🙂
Check out the blurb and excerpt for Twilight at Samhain and check out what else Ally’s been working on at her website. Also the second BCPI book is now available in print.
Along with Emily Veinglory’s King of Dragons, King of Men.
Not much else to talk about today. Took a break from writing yesterday, but I plan working all weekend. It’s the PBR Finals in Las Vegas, so I’ll be watching as much of that as I can. 😉
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Pimping Friday….

Jenna Jones’ book, Chiaroscuro, was my reading material of choice last night. It was pretty good. I like that the main couple didn’t get together right away. There were issues that needed to be dealt with. It felt more like real life, imo
If anyone has a website for her, please feel free to post it in the comment sections. I couldn’t find one.
Well, writing is going all right. I’ve gotten some more done on a bunch of different stories. 🙂
Hope everyone has a good Friday.