Archive for Not Seeing is Believing
Happy Hunk Day
There’s just something about this guy’s eyes and smile that I love. I had to post it. You can find the rest of the series at Beautiful Magazine. They have some awesome eye candy photos, but most of them aren’t safe for work. Just keep that in mind if you visit…lol.
I just got the news yesterday that Tramps, the second in The Beasor Chronicles, has been moved up to be released August 20th. Which means I need to get cracking and finish it up. The reason it’s being moved up is because Total e-Bound is re-releasing The Vanguard in September. Woo-hoo! I’m really excited about the whole thing because starting in July, I’ll have at least one book a month coming out from TeB, and in July, August, and Dec. I’ll have two books each of those months coming out. We’ve done our best to try and alternate new books with re-releases. So you’ll be getting something new from me every other month, plus all your old favorites with new covers.
I also just saw the cover for From Slavery to Freedom, and as soon as I get the okay, I’ll share it with you. I’m pretty sure we’ll be putting Slavery and Out of Light into Darkness together in a print book, which would be great. π
I still have some other older books whose rights I’ve gotten back, and have to work out who they’re going to. As you might have noticed, you can no longer get Fighting Dragons, Ghost of a Chance, and Dreaming of Dragons from Loose-Id. I’m pretty sure I have a new publisher for them, so as soon as I can, I’ll let you know when those will be available again. Also, I still have to see about finding a home for Death or Life and Not Seeing is Believing. The reason those two don’t have a place yet is simply because I haven’t had the time to re-format them to the right template. As soon as I get a moment to do that, I’ll send them in, and let you know about them as well. π
I have final edits to do on Pursing Hope and Angel’s Evoultion. Those will be done today, I’m hoping…along with other things I’ve been neglecting. Most of which are forms I have to fill out…lol. I did let you all know Angel is being re-released by MLR Press, right?
Someone asked about Rover’s story, and I’m hoping I can get to it later this year. I have a few other stories I’ve promised first to different publishers, but as soon as those are done, I’ll be getting to his story. π
Well, I think that’s all I have to say at the moment. I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Last Monday in February

Since it’s so close to the end of the month, I thought I’d let you all know what my news is. If you’ve gone to ARe, or really any of the 3rd party sellers-or to Liquid Silver Books website to look for any of my books published by them, you won’t find them. After four great years being published with them and working with them, I decided to take the rights back to all my books. The only two left with LSB at the moment are Where the Devil Dances, and Two for One. Because both of those are published with other authors, I had to wait the full 90 days before I could get those back. Which is fine with me.
Again, I want to emphasize that my decision had nothing to do with Liquid Silver Books. They’re great people, and I loved working with them. I just decided it was time to move my books somewhere else. The purpose behind it is to consolidate my publishers and make it a little less of a search for you, the readers, to find my books. If I have them at three or four publishers instead of six or seven, it’d be quicker…lol.
And the good news is Total e-Bound has decided to pick up the Home series and Stealing Life so far. The other books are under review with them. π Β So at the moment, I have release dates for them, barring any unforeseen problem. Β No Going Home will be re-released Oct. 15th, Home of His Own-Dec. 31st. Wishing for a Home-Jan 28th. Β Also, I have release dates for the last two books in the series, Leaving Home will be out Feb. 25th and Home Sweet Home will be out March 25th. Stealing Life will be out April 22nd. The other news is all of the Home books will be released in print as well. I added more to Wishing to get it up to the right word count for print. So that’s awesome news.
Now I know you’re all probably grumbling about having to wait until next year for the last two books in the series, but at least you have actual dates to mark on your calendar to look forward to. π There are six more LSB books that TeB will be taking a look at to see if they want them or not. If not, I do have other options to publishing them, so they will be re-released at some point.
I did a pre-release schedule from Total e-Bound that goes through April of 2013. That makes me happy, and it’s a schedule I can keep without pulling my hair out…lol. I finished From Slavery to Freedom on Friday, and sent it off to my beta reader. Once she’s done, and tells me everything I need to fix, I’ll get it in to my editor at TeB. FStF is scheduled to be released on July 31st. Woot! I’m working on The Deepest Cut at the moment, trying to get it finished as well. We’ll see how far I can get on that before I have to start the second book in The Beasor Chronicles trilogy.
There are plans to take back some other books back from another publisher of mine, but until it actually happens, I’m keeping as silent as I can about that. π Again, I’m taking my rights back for no other reason than it’s time to move on. It’s been fun working with all my different publishers. Simply time to gather my little ducklings into fewer baskets.
I hope you all have a great day.
Not Seeing is Believing available now….

My second blind vampire story, Not Seeing is Believing, will be available tonight around 7pm. at Liquid Silver Books. I’ll put up a link to it as soon as I get one. π I hope you all enjoy Barry and Anthony. Their story doesn’t have a lot of angst in it. Both men have had time to deal with their baggage for the most part. It’s mostly just about them falling in love.
This happens to be one of my all-time favorite covers. April Martinez did a great job.
And don’t forget that Wolf’s Survival came out yesterday (actually Saturday) as well.
I’m working away on some stories. I mentioned last week that I started two new stories, or at least wrote down some scenes for two new stories. One of those stories is titled Voice for the Silent, and I worked like crazy on it over the weekend. I’m at around 11k right now. Woot! I’m not sure how long it’ll end up being, but the characters in this story are really talking to me. Julio is an investigation agent for the Humane Society. He tends to go undercover to bust dog fighting rings. Paine is a young guy whose uncle runs a dog fighting kennel. He does his best to take care of the dogs, but he can only do so much. It’s a story about learning to forgive oneself and move on past tragic beginnings.
I hope you all have a great Monday.
Not Seeing is Believing release date….

I just received the release date for Not Seeing is Believing, one of my two blind vampire stories. NSiB will be out on Sept. 27th from Liquid Silver Books. They usually release them around 7 pm…so don’t panic if it isn’t available right away on Monday…lol.
Of course, you could all be busy still reading Wolf’s Survival which comes out the day before on the 26th from Amber Allure…lmao. Oh..and yes, WS will be going into print. π
Oh, stop by here to read an excerpt from Not Seeing is Believing. I’ve been meaning to post an excerpt sooner, but kept forgetting. So enjoy.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Wednesday’s Hunk….

Hmmm….again not much news on the writing front, though I am writing. π Just haven’t finished anything new yet.
I finished edits on Revealing the Past, and have edits to do on Not Seeing is Believing and galley edits for Tabloid Love-combining Tabloid Star and With This Ring in print. That one will be out in November. Revealing the Past will be out in July and not sure when Not Seeing will be out yet.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday and just think only two more days until the weekend. Yay!
New Cover alert….

Isn’t it the most beautiful cover ever? π Of course, I say that about each new cover I get. But April Martinez outdid herself on this one, I think. It fits in perfectly with the story, which I’ll admit I was afraid wouldn’t be possible, but I should have known April would be able to do it….lol. Shame on me for doubting her or any other cover artist.
I’ve been a writing fool lately. I’ve gotten 11k done in the past two days and I’m hoping the trend will continue. Trying to finish up two books over the weekend. One should be easy to do since it’s the second one I’m writing with Carol Lynne. We only have another chapter or two to get done. Yay!
I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and a marvelous weekend.

Well, it’s finally the end of the week. Yay! I can’t wait for the work day to be over, though it’s dreary and cold here. It’s probably going to rain, but hey, that just means I can curl up on the couch and write all weekend without feeling like I should be out getting some exercise or enjoying the sunshine…lol. π
Just signed the contract for Not Seeing is Believing. Thought I’d post the blurb for you. Of course, it’s unedited. π
Living in Strange Hallow, a blind vampire like Barry can have a normal lifeβ¦or as normal as a blind vampire can have. He has friends and his seeing-eye dog, Angelica. But when he accepts a date with Anthony, his mysterious next-door neighbor, he realizes just what heβs been missing. Love.
Yet when Anthony reveals the reason heβs made Strange Hallow his home, Barry has to question whether Anthonyβs interested in him because of his personality, or because of his blindness.
Sometimes the statement love is blind can be the most freeing words of all.
This story takes place in Strange Hollow, a fictional town down south where paranormal creatures, who don’t fit in the ‘normal’ world can go to be safe. Like vampires who are blind, like Barry. π He falls in love with Anthony, a wizard without any magic. There are already a few stories set in Strange Hollow, and they are available at Liquid Silver. They’re a mixture of m/m and m/f. There’s a m/m/m one even.
As soon as I get a release date, I’ll make sure to let you all know.
I think it’s an interesting overall setting idea, and I might even visit SH again. Barry has a werewolf friend whose story needs to be told, I think. π
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and a warm weekend.
Dreary Monday

First of all, sorry I didn’t post anything on Friday. It was one of those times where I thought I did, and then last night, I realized I didn’t. π Sorry about that. It got really busy for me in the morning and I lost track of what I did and didn’t do…lol.
So I’m posting early today. That way I know for sure I posted and, in case things get really busy again, I’ll be okay. π
Good news. Liquid Silver wants to contract Not Seeing is Believing. As soon as I have a blurb, I’ll post it for you all. It’s a short story, not really angst-ridden or anything. I hope you all enjoy it. I’m thinking it might be out in August or September with LSB’s usual schedule.
Well, I have to go get ready for work. Have a good Monday, everyone.
Wednesday yet again…

I borrowed this picture from Jambrea. It was nice of her to post it where I could get it…lol.
I subbed my second blind vampire story. It might seem a little weird to write two in a row, but I’ll tell you what. They are two totally different stories. Not Seeing is Believing is a fun short story about two men who meet and fall in love while dealing with some issues. There’s not a lot of angst in it. Out of Light into Darkness is gritty, more urban fantasy feel to it. It’s definitely not as light and funny as Not Seeing. π
They went to different publishers…obviously…and as soon as I hear anything, I’ll let you all know.
Now it’s on to JT’s story and a story that I need to get done by June 1st. Once the June 1st one is done, I’ll probably add Rover’s story to my calendar for all of you who have asked for his book…lol.
I hope you all have a great Hump day.
Good Friday….

For two reasons. One is obvious. The other is it’ll be the first golf outing of the season. Woo-hoo! lol
Well, I finished Not Seeing is Believing. Letting my wonderful beta reader look it over and then I’ll send it in to see what others say about it. π Now it’s on to Restoration Project, a new story that needs to be done by June 1st, and either Bound by Trust (JT’s story) or another new one that keeps bugging me…lol. We’ll see which one I add to my calendar. Along with Anarchy in Blood, the second Blood book with Carol Lynne. Whew! My calendar’s filling up, but I don’t mind. I like to keep busy writing.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. Happy Easter for all of you who celebrate it.