Archive for MLR Press
Hey everyone…well, last week was a total wash. After that migraine on Monday, I couldn’t seem to catch up with anything. So I’m starting fresh this week. lol Here’s hoping things go better.
I wanted to let you know that
Bastet was re-released on Friday by MLR Press. Here’s the
link if you wanted to check it out.
Also, I wanted to share the cover for
Anubis, which will be out June 17th. π I love this cover. It’s so amazing and
Anubis is a new book, if you didn’t already know, and the second in the
Earth Warrior series. I hope you’ll pick it up. (For those of you who followed it on my blog, there is new content.)
Have a great Monday, everyone. π
Filed under: Anubis,Covers,Earth Warriors,MLR Press,Release Dates | |3 Comments
MLR Press is re-releasing
Bastet on May 17th. There’s a new cover, but the content is the same. They will be releasing
Anubis as well, which as you all know was a blog story, but never got released at Amber Allure. I’m happy they took this series.I thought I’d share the cover. I hope you like it.
Also, Pride Publishing is re-releasing
Hearts on the Line. There isn’t any new content with this one either, but a yummy new cover. π This one will be available in June. I’ll give you the exact dates soon.
Hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Anubis,Bastet,Covers,Earth Warriors,Hearts on the Line,MLR Press,Pride Publishing,Release Dates | |3 Comments
I know I said there would be another blog story post today, but the day sped by and I didn’t get it done. Sorry. π I’ve been terrible at this lately. I’ll post one on Monday for you all. π
Also just a reminder,
Death or Life is available at MLR Press if you don’t already have it. Click
here to check it out. If you haven’t read it already, I hope you consider picking it up. I love the new cover. π
Have a great weekend and there will be three story posts next week. Along with some news..hopefully.
Filed under: Covers,Death or Life,MLR Press,Release Dates | |No Comments
I had two new books come out this weekend. On Friday, Cead Mile Milte came out. It’s a St. Patrick’s Day story. π Here’s the link to the MLR page for it, but it’s available at ARe and Amazon as well. π
And Trailing Air, book 4 in the Preternatural series and Rover’s story, is out at Amber Allure. Here’s the link to it.
If you get a chance to read either or both of them, I hope you enjoy them. π Also, have an awesome Monday, everyone.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Cead Mile Milte,Covers,MLR Press,Preternaturals,Trailing Air | |1 Comment
Happy Friday, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. π I’m feeling much better and hoping to get back on track with my writing. All of it…lol
I thought I’d share two new covers I received for two of my upcoming March releases. First up is Cead Mile Milte, which is a St. Patrick’s Day story that’ll be out at MLR Press on March 13th. It’s about Finn and Sawyer, who meet at a 5k race and hit it off. It’s a short story. π
Next up is Trailing Air, the long anticipated book 4 in my Preternatural series. This is Rover’s story and it will also close the over all arc that’s been going on in the first three books. It won’t be the last book in the series though. I plan on giving Jess/Pavel, Gianni/Roman and Ba’el/Raze their own stories. π (Hopefully a little quicker than I did Rover…lol) Trailing Air will be out March 15th at Amber Allure, so you’ll get two books in a row from me. (Oh also, Love’s Baggage and Trailing Air will be coming out together in a print book in April some time…so you can have all four Preternatural books in print.)
I love both of these covers. As soon as I get the cover for Shuffle of Angel’s Feet, I’ll share it with you. Shuffle will be out at the end of March from Amber Allure.
That’s all I have to share right now. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Books.,Cead Mile Milte,Covers,Love's Baggage,MLR Press,Preternaturals,Release Dates,Shuffle of Angel's Feet,Trailing Air,writing | |1 Comment
I forgot I didn’t share the cover to Snap Decision, the second book in the Delarosa Secrets trilogy. Here it is. This one is about D’Marcus “Snap” Jefferson, a DEA agent and Mac’s friend. (Mac is one of the main characters in Borderline, the first Delarosa book) Ken Santos is the other main character and he has a few secrets. One of which he doesn’t even know about until a little later in the book. lol.
Book 3 is titled Cold Truth. I haven’t started it yet. It’s on the list to get started on Feb. 1st, but I’m hoping to finish up the story I’m working on early this week to get to CT sooner. CT is about the eldest Delarosa brother, Victor, and for those of you who have read Borderline when it was out originally, you’ll remember Victor isn’t really a nice guy. Yet like the other two, he has his own secrets and when they’re revealed, I’m hoping you all love him as much as I do…lol
I just signed the contract for Climbing the Savage Mountain, the sequel to Mountains to Climb in Totally Bound’s What’s His Passion line…and it’ll be up for pre-order August 28th. Also I signed a contract for Cead Mile Milte (there are accents to go over some of the letters…lol) It’s a short story for St. Patrick’s Day. It’ll be out at MLR Press on March 13th. Yay!
I’m working on Scarecrows and Devils, which is a crime/suspense/paranormal story for a PAX at Amber Allure. I think you’ll like the characters in this one. Also, Jackie Nacht and I are working on A Bittersweet Dance, the second book in our Mark of the Jersey Devil series.
Hmm…at the moment I think that’s all there is to talk about. I’ll be posting a question tomorrow about what kind of story you’d like to see next on the blog. π
Have a great Monday…and for those of you in the Northeast, stay safe and warm.
Filed under: A Bittersweet Dance,Amber Allure,Borderline,Climbing the Savage Mountain,Covers,Delarosa Secrets,Mark of the Jersey Devil,MLR Press,Mountains to Climb,Totally Bound,What's His Passion,writing | |2 Comments
A Bittersweet Haunting, co-written with Jackie Nacht, came out on the 17th while I was at GRL. It’s available at MLR Press, Amazon and ARe. In case you missed it…lol
The last book in the Rags to Riches series, Barefoot Dancing, is available for pre-order at Totally Bound (here) and at Amazon (here)
And I got the cover for the Amber Allure book that will be coming out November 16th. From the Rubble is about a Search and Rescue guy and the ArmyΒ sergeantΒ he meets while down in Bogata, Colombia.
I just signed the contract for another book at Amber Allure. Deserves to be Adored will be out sometime at the beginning of next year. It wasn’t due until Dec. 1st, so I’m ahead of the game on that one…lol. As soon as I get a cover or any other information, I’ll let you know.
I had a great time in Chicago at GRL and have finally caught up on everything last week. lol Hopefully that means I should be able to get the blog installments done on time now. π
Have an awesome Monday and stay safe.
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Amber Allure,Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Deserved to be Adored,From the Rubble,GayRomLit,Mark of the Jersey Devil,MLR Press,Rags to Riches,Totally Bound,writing | |2 Comments

An Ace in the Tiebreak, Book 8 in the International Men of Sports series, is available now at all 3rd party sellers. (ARe and Amazon) You can check it out here.
Also, I got the cover for Borderline, which is a re-release at Totally Bound. I love this cover, plus there will be two more books in the Delarosa Secrets series coming next year. π Borderline will be out in February.

I finished Deserves to be Adored, which is a story for a Amber Allure PAX. It should be out early next year. I’m working on a St. Patrick’s Day story for MLR Press. π After that, I’ll be working on Trailing Air, Rover’s story. Yes, finally….lol
Next week I’m going to be in Chicago for GRL. I’m going to try and get the two blog installments up and scheduled before I go. If I don’t, I’m sorry. π
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,An Ace in the Tiebreak,Borderline,Covers,Delarosa Secrets,Deserved to be Adored,GayRomLit,International Men of Sports,MLR Press,PAX,Preternaturals,Release Dates,Totally Bound,Trailing Air,writing | |No Comments
This is the cover for my last Rags to Riches book, Barefoot Dancing. I adore this cover and all of the covers in this series. π The dates for this one are:
Pre-Order: October 17th
Early Release: October 31st
General Release: November 28th.
And now that the contracts have been signed and it’s official, I can tell you that Jackie Nacht and I have written a book together. It’s called A Bittersweet Haunting and is the first in a six book series titled Mark of the Jersey Devil. It’ll be out at MLR Press, most likely on October 17th. I hope to be able to share the cover with you soon.
I’m trying to figure out what story to start next. I really kind of want to work on Climbing the Savage Mountain, which is a sequel to Mountains to Climb, but I have more research I need to do on that one before I can write it. I have two other stories I should be working on and Monday, I’ll make a decision…lol. I won’t force myself to decide over the weekend. Maybe I’ll work on all three of them to figure out which one speaks the loudest to me. π
I hope you all have an awesome weekend.
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Barefoot Dancing,Climbing the Savage Mountain,Covers,Mark of the Jersey Devil,MLR Press,Mountains to Climb,Rags to Riches,writing | |4 Comments
Here’s the cover for Why I Love Bodyguards. I can’t wait to have all three of them in print side by side. π This will be out in ebook form on September 14th. The paperback will probably be out in October. Β I added an epilogue and let you know what happened with Burke’s parents.
I’m hoping to get something for the new blog story up tomorrow. It might not be anything more than a little survey on which genre you’d like to read. π but I will have something.
I’m working on Barefoot Dancing, Book 6 in Rags to Riches. Also, Search and Rescue for Amber Allure. And A Bittersweet Haunting, which I’m writing with Jackie Nacht and we’re hoping that will be done this week. It’ll be sent to MLR Press.
Once those three books are done, I’m going to finish up a YA I’d started a while ago. Decided to split it into two books instead of one really long one. Β So to be honest, book one is almost done. It shouldn’t take long for me to get it done and turned in. Then I’ll work on book two along with the sequel to Mountains to Climb. That one will be Climbing the Savage Mountain. π I’ll be doing a lot of research on mountain climbing and K2, which is nicknamed the Savage Mountain.
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I’m off for a run then I’ll be back to write. Yay!
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Barefoot Dancing,Climbing the Savage Mountain,Covers,Deepest Cut,MLR Press,Mountains to Climb,Rags to Riches,Release Dates,Search & Rescue,Totally Bound,Why I Love Bodyguards | |2 Comments
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