Archive for Interviews
New Blog Story
Hello everyone…today is the day you get to suggest what I should write about next. lol Since I just finished up a historical, we’ll have to take that genre off the list for this one. But any other one is open. 🙂 Let me know what you’d like to see.
Also, I’ll be chatting with Will Prater and Jeff Adams on Writers Online Network (radio show) about my YA book, I Call Death Dad, plus my other YA books (Upcoming and planned) Please if you get a chance, listen in. If you can’t make it, then I believe it’ll be available online afterwards, so you can catch up. 🙂 Here’s the link: YAY! YA with T.A. Chase Hopefully I won’t sound foolish. lol
Have a great day. Stay safe and warm. 🙂
Chasing the King of the Mountains available…
I know I promised there’d be an installment of Hearts today, but I was gone all day and didn’t get back until very late last night. So I’m sorry that it’s not up.
But good news for those of you who didn’t pre-order or grab it during the pre-release time, Chasing the King of the Mountains is available for general release now. Yay! Click here to check it out. It was so much fun to write…and it comes out during the 2013 Tour de France, so you can read it, then watch the coverage of the race and maybe have some understanding about what the commentators are saying. lol. Or maybe not because I did all that research on cricket for Sticky Wicket, and I still don’t understand the game. At First Touch, the 3rd book in the International Sports series, will be available soon for pre-order. And Devon and I are hard at work on book 4, Blindsided.
Also, the second annual GRL convention anthology, Unconventional in Atlanta, is available for pre-release download. You buy it today at a discounted price, you can read it today. 🙂 Check it out here. It’s fun to read because it takes place in Atlanta at the very hotel GRL will be at this year, during GRL. And all the stories have at least one main character who works at the hotel. So the stories are inter-releated and you’ll see characters from the other stories interact with each other throughout the anthology. It was a lot of fun to write.
Finally, I did an interview with Female First (from the UK). If you click here, you can check it out.
I promise next week I’ll be on the ball, and get those installments done on time.
I hope you all have a marvelous and safe 4th of July weekend.
Start of July….
Here’s the cover for Part Two of Every Shattered Dream. There is a difference between this one and the first cover. When you see them all together in a row, you’ll understand what the difference is. 🙂
I can’t believe today is the first of July. Where did the first six months of the year go? lol I’m not sure if I want the next six months to fly by as fast. Crazy. 🙂
So today, I have three sets of edits and four interviews to do, plus start my next Fallen book, New York (Tiffany Aaron), finish up Always Ready, and do the next installment of Hearts for tomorrow. I’m hoping I can get them done today, but we’ll have to see…lol. I want the interviews done, Fallen started, and Hearts done by the time I go to bed tonight.
I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
Interviews everywhere…
Cock and Bull Blog Tour
Please welcome Julia Knight to the blog, everyone. She’s kicking off the Cock and Bull Tour by visiting with us. Just so you know, Julia’s story does have girlie bits in it, but we won’t hold it against her. 😀 The rest of the books being promoted on the blog tour are m/m.
Her book, The Viking’s Sacrifice, is available today at Carina Press. Here’s the link, so go check it out. But to give you a taste of the book, I interviewed Einar, the hero of The Viking’s Sacrifice. It was a little difficult since he can’t talk, but we managed.
Here we go:
1) What is your position in the village?
Once I was Einar the young, the strong, Einar Sheen-Mane, third son of the jarl. Those days are long gone. Now I’m Wry-Foot, Coward, and my name is Toki, the fool.
2) What do you like best about being a Viking?
We’re men of Thor, sons of Odin. Men and women of honour and our word is like iron.
3) How long have you been silent?
Eight years.
4) Is it magically impossible to talk?
I—I can talk but if I do, I’m afraid it will fall out of me, the secret I’m cursed not to speak. The curse is strong magic, rune-cut and dipped in my blood so that if I speak of it, my family will die.
5) How do you communicate with others?
Not many care enough to know what I say, but I can make basic signs.
6) What is it that draws you to Wilda?
She sees Red-Thor in me—thinks that I’m brave. I’m not, am the coward they think me, but I would be brave for her, would make her the free woman she was meant to be.
7) Why did you save her the first time?
She was afraid, but trying to master it. I understood that.
8) What were the consequences?
I saved her – and she saved me. Without her, I would have died that day under my own brother’s blade. And without her I would never have gained the courage to face a murderer.
9) After everything that has happened since you saved Wilda, can you say it was worth it?
Everything is worth it for Wilda.
Thank you, Einar, for joining us and sharing some painful emotions with us.
And thank you, Julia, for stopping by as well. Here’s the blurb for The Viking’s Sacrifice.
Viking raiders destroyed Wilda’s home. She witnessed the murder of her mother and would have been killed herself if it weren’t for the Viking boy Einar, who saved her from his ruthless brother. The blood and murder left Wilda cold and shorn of feeling.
Eight years later, the heathens return for Wilda. As a captive in the Viking village, she finds protection and silent comfort in the man who once gallantly saved her.
Einar has been cursed to silence by his brother. With the dark net of his brother’s power cast over their village, silence is a small price to pay for his family’s safety. But Einar is immediately drawn to Wilda, and the need to protect her from his brother awakens his Viking courage. Can Einar break his brother’s curse in time to save the village and the woman he loves?
You can find out more about Julia Knight, her books and reviews, at or find her on twitter @Knight_Julia
Also, Julia would like to give one lucky commenter their choice of either The Viking’s Sacrifice or Ten Ruby Trick. You can check out the blurb for Ten Ruby Trick at Julia’s website.
Thank you all for stopping by, and remember tomorrow the tour will be at Julia’s blog where she’ll be hosting L.A. Witt.
New Interview
Here’s some yummy eye candy for you all. 🙂
And I did another interview with Wave, so if you get a chance, stop by and check it out. Here’s the link. It was fun as always and I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I did my first one with her. She’s a great lady and a wonderful supporter of m/m authors.
Hmmm…other than that, not much to tell. Did my final line edits on Wishing, so I will hopefully be getting an exact release date soon. I know that will excite all of you who have been wanting more of my Home boys.
Well, I hope you have a great Wednesday and don’t forget to stop by and check out my interview.
Almost the weekend…
Shoot..where did the morning go? I got to work and haven’t stopped since…except for right now, when I’m posting this…lol.Let’s see…I have a book coming out this Sunday. Soothe the Burn, a sci-fi/futuristic about a man made of metal and a man made of fire. 🙂 I’ll post the blurb and an except on Sunday for everyone.
The dynamic team that makes up Jamie Craig is running a contest on their Live Journal for you to win a copy of Soothe the Burn. Drop in and leave a comment. They’ll draw a name on Sunday night and you’ll get a free a copy. This is something that they do to promote their publishers and it just so happens they picked my book to give away this week. 🙂
Also, I did an interview with Martha and she reviewed ND: Finding Love as well. Stop by her blog and check it out. Martha loved Finding Love
I just got word about another awesome review I received. This one from Holly at Whipped Cream Reviews. It’s for Tabloid Star and she gave me 5 cherries. Woo-hoo! I’m totally thrilled that she loved it.
oh, one more thing…and you’re thinking “Shut up all ready. I just want to stare at the eye candy.” lol. I have two guest bloggers coming up on Monday. Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon are going to be discussing their newest release, Seducing Stephen. A m/m regency available at Loose-Id with a marvelous cover by Anne Cain. 🙂
Hmmm…that’s all I can think about telling you today. I plan on writing as much as possible tomorrow, so I can spend most of the day on Sunday watching Super Bowl stuff. 🙂
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
While you’re waiting…
for me to post the next installment of Bastet…which I’m working on. 🙂 You can stop by Manic Readers and check out my interview with Val. It was a lot of fun.The next installment will be up soon. I promise. 🙂
No, you don’t get to win this gorgeous man. You get a chance to win a Kindle pre-loaded with some great Samhain authors. 🙂 If you run over to my editor’s blog, and answer the question, you’ll be entered in to win. Trust me, if you’re a regular visitor to my blog, you’ll know the answer without any problem. Also, I did a little interview for the contest as well, so you can learn some new things about me.
Oh, I got the cover for Freaks in Love and it’s awesome. I’ll share it with you all on Monday. I think Trace did another marvelous job.
Hmmm…what else? Writing is going well. I’m making progress on some different stories and that makes me happy.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.