Archive for Here Be Dragons
Here Be Dragons has been re-released by MLR Press. Don’t worry if you already have it. The only thing that has changed is the cover. It was edited again, but I didn’t add anything new to it. Oh, the other new thing is it’ll be out in print as well…at some point. I’ll have to ask when that will be…lol
Just to give you a heads-up and I’ll remind you all again on Monday, I’m part of Amber Kell’s birthday blog tour. So next Tuesday, she’ll be making a guest appearance on my blog. π Don’t worry…you’ll still get installments of the blog story. Just on Wednesday and Thursday instead.
I’ll be plugging along on Whore. Hopefully I can get it done by Sunday. π I have three short stories I’d like to finish by the end of the year as well. Luckily two of them only have to be 15k each. The other can be up to 40k, but I don’t think I’ll make it that long. Once I start working on each of them, I’ll give you more information.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and a marvelous weekend.
Filed under: Books.,Covers,Here Be Dragons,MLR Press,Release Dates,writing | |No Comments

Now that my brain is functionally close to normal…lol. I can let you know that The Vanguard has been re-released by Total e-Bound today. With a great new cover (not that I didn’t love and adore the cover Anne Cain did for me for the original release) and more editing, it’s a fresh start for the boys. π Β Don’t worry though, I didn’t add anything new to it, so if you already have the first version, don’t feel pressured to buy this one. Β The great news is it’ll be out in print as well. I think in December or January, so that’s awesome. π
If you’d like to check it out, click here and it’ll take you to its page at Total e-Bound. π
I have edits to do on Home of His Own and a final galley to look over for Here Be Dragons. Also, I have to do the next installment for the blog story. I’ll be busy the rest of the day. Β And hopefully, my late night won’t catch up with me.
Have a great Monday, everyone.
Filed under: Books.,Covers,Here Be Dragons,Home of His Own,Home Series,MLR Press,Release Dates,The Vanguard,writing | |1 Comment

Not much to talk about. Have edits to do for Home of His Own and I think I’ll be getting edits for Here Be Dragons soon as well. Yay! π
I’ll be working on my steampunk story and the next installment of the blog story. Have some real life stuff to do as well. Hopefully I can get it all done today.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone.
Filed under: Books.,Eye Candy,Here Be Dragons,Home of His Own,writing | |No Comments is going to be a busy day…lol. I have to ship out all my boxes for GRL, plus mail out five contracts…all to MLR Press for my Dragon books and Ghost of a Chance. So they will be re-released soon. The great news is that all will be going into print as well, though Ghost of a Chance and Fighting Dragons will be put together. Which is fine since one of the characters in Ghost is also in the Dragon books. I’m excited about that.
I have edits to do on Two for One, so it can go up for pre-order soon. Edits arrived for a free story I’m doing for Total e-Bound’s December Newsletter. And I’ve been told I’ll probably get my first set of edits on Here Be Dragons some time soon as well. Yikes! This weekend is going to be crazy…lol.
Jambrea asked if I was going to post next week while I was gone. I’m going to try very hard to get the next two installments for Threadbare Gypsy Souls done and scheduled, so at least you’ll have those two days to stop by. I’m leaving for GRL very early on Tuesday morning and I won’t be home until very late on Sunday night.
Well, that’s about all I have to tell you. Oh wait a minute…I got another new cover today. I should be able to show it to you on Monday. π It’s really cool.
I hope you all have a great day and a marvelous weekend.
Filed under: Books.,Dreaming of Dragons,Eye Candy,Fighting Dragons,GayRomLit,Ghost of a Chance,Here Be Dragons,MLR Press,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,Two for One,writing | |1 Comment

I have a ton of writing to do. Working on Demon Woods and Thieves, plus the next two installments of Threadbare Gypsy Souls, and reviewing and sending out the rest of the Dragon books to my editor at MLR Press. MLR Press is going to re-release them, so new covers and they’ll finally be available in print as well, but I don’t have any release dates or anything like that yet. Still going through the process of getting them to them. π Once I know more, I’ll definitely keep you updated on that.
Well, this is going to be a short post. Just wanted to give you a heads up on what’s happening with me. I hope you all have a great Monday.
Filed under: Books.,Demon Woods,Dreaming of Dragons,Eye Candy,Fighting Dragons,Ghost of a Chance,Here Be Dragons,MLR Press,Print,Release Dates,Thieves,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,writing | |No Comments