Archive for Gypsies
Gypsies is available now from Total e-Bound. Click here to check it out. It’s the first book in a new trilogy called The Beasor Chronicles, and will also be available in print. π
Here’s the blurb:
Book one in The Beasor Chronicles Series
Will the unconditional love of his best friend be enough to help heal Percy after almost being broken mentally and physically?
On Beasor, being a Gypsy gives Percy almost godβlike status. His power over nature and animals could allow him to make a good living exploiting people, but he chooses to live with his best friend, Alden, over Aldenβs pub in Catalai, the capital of Beasor. Percy loves Alden, but has never been able to tell Alden, afraid the truth would ruin their friendship.
In a fit of jealousy one night, Percy travels through the universes to Earth, and finds himself captured by two humans. As a magical Beasor, silk binds him to their will and Percy finds himself close to breaking in every way as the humans drain his magic.
When Alden rescues Percy, the best friends finally admit to their love, but Percy needs help to replenish his magic and find a way to ease the memories of his captivity. With Alden supporting him every step of the way, Percy fights to heal and become the Gypsy he was once.
Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series
Angel’s Evolution was re-released on Friday by MLR Press. Click here to check it out. I missed announcing it last week. Sorry about that.
Here’s the blurb:
I’m a monster, but with one kiss, he changes everything I believe.
I’m a monster and I’m imprisoned in a world I hate and fear. As heir to my father’s title, I’m expected to marry, but my secret desires may keep me from fulfilling those expectations. One night, a stranger kisses me. In his touch, I see the possibility of a life beyond my prison. My name? Just call me Angel and this is my evolution.
Thank you for all your support. I’m hoping to get back on track today and get the next installment of Threadbare Gypsy Souls done as well. π
Hope you all had a great weekend.
Filed under: Angel's Evolution,Beasor Chronicles,Blurbs,Books.,Covers,Gypsies,MLR Press,Release Dates,The Beasor Chronicles,Total e-Bound | |7 Comments

Looks like it’s going to be a blah and dreary day. Good time to stay home and write. I’ve got a lot of stuff to do today. I have to finish up the Final Line Edits on Gypsies, then I have to write the next installment for Threadbare Gypsy Souls. Finally, I have to add at least 2k to From Yesterday to keep me on track for when I’d like to get it finished by. Of course, I think I’m going to have to make it a little longer than I originally thought. I’m over halfway done with it, and my heroes haven’t really even met yet…lol. Yep…definitely time to add to the goal. π
Well, I hope you all had a great weekend, and have a good Monday.
Filed under: Eye Candy,From Yesterday,Gypsies,Rupert's Legacy,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,writing | |No Comments
This is the cover for the first of my July releases from Total e-Bound. Gypsies is the first book in The Beasor Chronicles, which is a sci-fi/alternate universes kind of story. lol It’s kind of hard to box into one genre. It’s not ready for pre-order yet, but when it is, I’ll let everyone know. Here’s the link to check it out. Also, I thought I’d share the blurb with everyone. π Oh, and it’ll be out July 9th.
Book one in The Beasor Chronicles Series
Will the unconditional love of his best friend be enough to help heal Percy after almost being broken mentally and physically?
On Beasor, being a Gypsy gives Percy almost godβlike status. His power over nature and animals could allow him to make a good living exploiting people, but he chooses to live with his best friend, Alden, over Aldenβs pub in Catalai, the capital of Beasor. Percy loves Alden, but has never been able to tell Alden, afraid the truth would ruin their friendship.
In a fit of jealousy one night, Percy travels through the universes to Earth, and finds himself captured by two humans. As a magical Beasor, silk binds him to their will and Percy finds himself close to breaking in every way as the humans drain his magic.
When Alden rescues Percy, the best friends finally admit to their love, but Percy needs help to replenish his magic and find a way to ease the memories of his captivity. With Alden supporting him every step of the way, Percy fights to heal and become the Gypsy he was once.
Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series
Hope it sounds interesting to you…and I hope everyone has a great day.
Filed under: Beasor Chronicles,Blurbs,Books.,Covers,Gypsies,Release Dates,The Beasor Chronicles,writing | |4 Comments
I can’t believe January is already gone. Seems like I was just figuring out my New Year’s resolutions. (which I didn’t actually make because I never keep
But looking back over the last month, it was a good one. I finished two stories. To be honest, one doesn’t really count because I wrote most of it the last week of December, and subbed it on the second of January. Pursuing Hope was my first try at a f/f story, and it’s a Young Adult one as well. I sent it off to my editor at Featherweight Publishing, and yesterday, they let me know they wanted it. Yay! It’s not very angsty or anything like that. It’s about a girl looking for a date to prom. She just happens to be a lesbian.
I sent my edits in for Famine, so it’ll be out on the 20th of this month. Also, Bring Him Gold will be out on the 12th. I have two print books coming out this month as well. War and The Longest Stride will be available at some point this month. Woot!
Gypsies went off to my editor at Total e-Bound, and I started working on a short story for them as well. I’ll still be working on it because it’s like halfway done, but I need to start From Slavery to Freedom, the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness today. So for a little while, I’ll be working on three books, until I get the really short story done. π
Well, at the end of this month, I’ll also have some big news. Nothing bad, so don’t worry about that. Just a few changes happening. All of it will be good (at least I hope you’ll think so.)
Have a great day, everyone.
Filed under: Beasor Chronicles,Bring Him Gold,Eye Candy,Famine,Featherweight Publishing,Four Horsemen,From Slavery to Freedom,Gypsies,Out of Light into Darkness,Pursuing Hope,The Longest Stride,Uncategorized,writing,Young Adult | |2 Comments

wow…winter and the cold has hit with vengeance today. First time I’m really happy about working from home, because I don’t have to go out in this cold, if I don’t want to.
Okay, on Monday, I’ll post a link on this blog to my new blog, which will be part of my new site. The whole site isn’t completely finished. Links and excerpts still need to be add, but the blog part is up and running. Yay! The rest will slowly be up and running bit by bit.
I’m working slowly and surely on Gypsies and The Deepest Cut. Each one gets at least 1k done on it every day. Gypsies gets more than that since it’s the one that absolutely has to be finished by the end of January. π I’m in the homestretch. Each one only needs about 15k on it to hit the 50k mark. Both stories will be in ebook and print as well.
Oh, and The Subtlety of Understanding, which is both my Understanding books from Aspen Mountain Press, will be out in March. MLR Press was kind enough to take those two orphaned books, combine them into one bigger book, and re-release it. There’s nothing new added, just re-edited, new cover, and both stories in one. I do plan on writing more stories in that series, to wrap up some loose ends.
Also, there are some changes being made behind the scenes…lol. Don’t worry. Nothing bad, I promise. Just doing some re-arranging and sort spring cleaning. I can’t really say anything more than that yet, but as soon as I can, I’ll let you all know what I’m talking about. π
I hope you all have a great Friday, a marvelous weekend, and please be safe and warm wherever you are.
Filed under: Deepest Cut,Eye Candy,Gypsies,MLR Press,The Subtlety of Understanding,writing | |No Comments

First of all, thank you for participating in the Cock & Bull Blog Tour. The winners were drawn last night and here they are:
Grand Prize: Maya, from her comment on Megan Slayer’s blog
2nd: Diana A, from JP Barnaby’s blog
3rd: Tiffany, from Kit Sands’ blog
Marie will be contacting the winners and sending them their prizes. π
Second of all, I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, and I’m actually very happy where my stories are at the moment. I’m managing to work on two stories at the same time, and it’s working for me. π I’ll definitely be finishing Gypsies by the end of the month, and The Deepest Cut will be closed to finished by then as well. Once Gypsies done, I’ll be working on From Slavery to Freedom, which is the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness, and once The Deepest Cut is done, I’ll be working on a short story to go in an anthology for Total e-Bound. I’m keeping that one a secret for now. Once it’s done, and happening for sure, I’ll let everyone know what it’s all about. π
Well, I have to get going. Have a very busy day. Hope you all are safe and warm wherever you are.
Filed under: Deepest Cut,Eye Candy,From Slavery to Freedom,Gypsies,Out of Light into Darkness,writing | |No Comments

I was going to say ‘Another Day…Another Dollar’, but that’s not really true. It’s more true I’ll probably end up writing another chapter on one of my stories…lol. I’ve been on a roll lately with both Gypsies and Deepest Cut. Moving along quite nicely on both of them. I can definitely see both of them being finished by the end of the month, which is good for me.
Don’t forget the Cock & Bull Blog Tour is still happening. Check out Amber Kell’s
blog where she’s hosting J.P. Barnaby.
well, have a great day…I have to get back to writing. π
Filed under: Contests,Deepest Cut,Eye Candy,Gypsies | |2 Comments

Hello everyone….the next stop on the Cock & Bull Blog Tour is Marie Sexton’s blog where she has JP Bowie visiting. Here’s the
link. Click on it…and check out what JP’s talking about. Don’t forget to comment for the possibility to win prizes…lol.
Writing has been going really well this week. I’m ready to break 10k on Gypsies, which is important…lol. And I’m almost ready to break 20k on The Deepest Cut, my next Young Adult novel. Woot! Both stories need to be at least 50k before I can call them done, and I’m thinking TDC might be closer to 60k, not entirely sure on that yet.
Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but over the week between Christmas Eve and New Year’s, I got the idea for a f/f Young Adult story titled Pursuing Hope. Now this isn’t an angsty story or anything like that. Just a girl trying to find the perfect date for prom, and her perfect date would just happen to be another girl. I think I went for non-angsty because I’ve never written a f/f story before, so I thought I’d try something light and fun instead. It’s with my editor right now, and I’m hoping to hear something good about it, but if they decide not to take it, I’ll figure something else out for it. Will I ever write another f/f? Who knows? It’ll all depend on the plot ideas I get. I’m not saying I won’t do it again. π
Okay…well, I have to get to writing. I hope you all have a fabulous Friday…and a wonderful weekend.
Filed under: Contests,Deepest Cut,Gypsies,Pursuing Hope,writing | |8 Comments

This is the awesome cover to The Longest Stride, my first release of the new year. π I think it’s perfect for the book, which comes out January 22nd. It will also go into print some time in Feb.
I’m working on a short YA story titled Pursuing Hope. It’s quite a departure for me because it’s a lesbian story. I got the idea on Christmas Eve, and it hasn’t let me go, so I’ve been working on it every day since. I’m hoping it’ll turn out all right. Like I said, it’s something different for me, but I had to write it. We’ll see if Featherweight will want it when I’m done. If not, I might publish it on my own. Who knows?
The other books are coming along as well. I’m trying to refrain from starting any new books until I get some of the ones already on my schedule done. π It’s working pretty well, except for the YA story…lol. When I get PH done, I’ll get back into the swing of Gypsies to get that done.
I hope you have an exciting Wednesday.
Filed under: Covers,Gypsies,Pursuing Hope,Release Dates,The Longest Stride,Young Adult | |No Comments

Yesterday was taken up with doing edits, and finishing up my Christmas shopping. So I didn’t have any time to work on They Walk Among Us. I was bushed when I got home last night, and all I did was veg in front of the TV for an hour before I went to bed…lol
Don’t worry. The next installment will be up tomorrow for your enjoyment. π I’m working on Gypsies as well. I hope everyone likes this new trilogy as much as I like the idea of it…lol. Gypsies is the first one in the series.
Well, I have a lot of writing to do, so I’m going to wish you all a Happy Thursday…and be safe.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Gypsies,writing | |3 Comments
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