Archive for Ghost of a Chance
Ghost of a Chance is available again….

MLR Press has re-released Ghost of a Chance today. Click here to check it out. It’s just been re-edited, so if you already have it, you don’t need to pick it up. 🙂
And I want to thank all of you for making No Going Home, Leaving Home, and A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood all best sellers at ARe. Also, they’re doing great at Amazon as well, which amazes me. 🙂 So thank you all again.
I’ll be writing all weekend to get some stories done that need to be turned in next week. 🙂
I hope you all have a great weekend, and for those of you who are mothers, have an awesome Mother’s Day.
Happy Hunk Day
There’s just something about this guy’s eyes and smile that I love. I had to post it. You can find the rest of the series at Beautiful Magazine. They have some awesome eye candy photos, but most of them aren’t safe for work. Just keep that in mind if you visit…lol.
I just got the news yesterday that Tramps, the second in The Beasor Chronicles, has been moved up to be released August 20th. Which means I need to get cracking and finish it up. The reason it’s being moved up is because Total e-Bound is re-releasing The Vanguard in September. Woo-hoo! I’m really excited about the whole thing because starting in July, I’ll have at least one book a month coming out from TeB, and in July, August, and Dec. I’ll have two books each of those months coming out. We’ve done our best to try and alternate new books with re-releases. So you’ll be getting something new from me every other month, plus all your old favorites with new covers.
I also just saw the cover for From Slavery to Freedom, and as soon as I get the okay, I’ll share it with you. I’m pretty sure we’ll be putting Slavery and Out of Light into Darkness together in a print book, which would be great. 🙂
I still have some other older books whose rights I’ve gotten back, and have to work out who they’re going to. As you might have noticed, you can no longer get Fighting Dragons, Ghost of a Chance, and Dreaming of Dragons from Loose-Id. I’m pretty sure I have a new publisher for them, so as soon as I can, I’ll let you know when those will be available again. Also, I still have to see about finding a home for Death or Life and Not Seeing is Believing. The reason those two don’t have a place yet is simply because I haven’t had the time to re-format them to the right template. As soon as I get a moment to do that, I’ll send them in, and let you know about them as well. 😉
I have final edits to do on Pursing Hope and Angel’s Evoultion. Those will be done today, I’m hoping…along with other things I’ve been neglecting. Most of which are forms I have to fill out…lol. I did let you all know Angel is being re-released by MLR Press, right?
Someone asked about Rover’s story, and I’m hoping I can get to it later this year. I have a few other stories I’ve promised first to different publishers, but as soon as those are done, I’ll be getting to his story. 🙂
Well, I think that’s all I have to say at the moment. I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Real Life sucks

Sorry about not having the next installment up. Real life got in the way yesterday, and I couldn’t get the time to write it up. So I’m going to try again today…lol. We’ll see if it works.
Also, some of you might have noticed that two of my Loose-Id titles have disappeared from my site. I asked for Ghost of a Chance and Fighting Dragons back from Loose-Id, and they compiled. I’m working on getting re-release dates for them with a different publisher, so if you haven’t read them, don’t worry. They’ll be back out at some point.
It’s all part of my plan to consolidate publishers, and not make you have to look all over for my books. 🙂 Hopefully my gamble pays off.
Well, have a good day…and I’ll try to get the next installment posted for you tomorrow.
Ghost of a Chance available

My St. Patrick’s Day ghost story, Ghost of a Chance, is available now from Loose-id. 🙂 I thought I’d post another excerpt for you. (don’t worry Bitter Creek’s Redemption will be updated
Padraig Monaghan has a problem. Most would consider dying in a bar fight ten years ago upsetting, and existing as a ghost wandering the world might be thought a real predicament. They might deem a second chance at life through a chance encounter with a dying man a serious dilemma. But for Padraig, finding himself face to face with the man he’d loved and lost a lifetime ago is the biggest thing on his mind.
Gareth Reilly stops at O’Toole’s for a drink before he heads home. Tomorrow’s going to be another lonely birthday for him until he’s approached by a stranger. There’s something about Padraig’s bright green eyes and Irish accent that reminds Gareth of a man he once knew. Unable to resist, Gareth breaks his cardinal rule and invites Padraig home.
On St. Patrick’s Day, when Irish magic is strongest, it’ll take a belief in the impossible and help from a grateful elf to give Padraig and Gareth another chance at love.
Publisher’s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices, violence.
A slow song filled the bar and a few couples floated onto the makeshift dance floor. Padraig stood, and holding out his hand to Gareth, he asked, “Would you like to dance with me?”
Tilting his head, Gareth studied him for a moment or two before standing and taking his hand. A thrill raced from Padraig’s hand to his heart and groin. They wound their way through the tables to the dance floor. Padraig kept Gareth’s hand in his and wrapped his arm around Gareth’s waist, pulling him close. Not too close, though. He didn’t want Gareth feeling uncomfortable.
He needn’t have worried about that. Gareth played with the curls at the nape of Padraig’s neck and didn’t protest as Padraig tucked their hands to his chest. They moved in time with the music, slowly maneuvering around the floor. Padraig stroked his fingers along the small of Gareth’s back, relishing the way the slender man fit in his arms. With each turn, he eased Gareth closer to him until their bodies were pressed tighter than two sardines in a can. Gareth rested his cheek on Padraig’s chest and sighed.
Padraig slid his free hand down to cup Gareth’s ass and rubbed their erections together. Would Gareth moan as softly when he was being fucked or would he be loud? Padraig buried his face in Gareth’s strawberry blond curls, breathing in the familiar scent of Gareth’s soap. Surprising that Gareth still used the same stuff that Padraig remembered from the few times he’d gotten close enough to Gareth.
He ignored the end of the first song and kept his hold on Gareth while the next one started.
Gareth didn’t seem inclined to stop. Moving slightly, he nuzzled Gareth’s ear and nibbled along Gareth’s chin.
“Oh,” Gareth breathed, letting his head fall back to give Padraig more access to his throat.
“You smell just like I remember,” Padraig murmured.
“What?” Gareth tensed.
“You smell better than anyone I remember,” he improvised, hoping he covered his tracks. He scraped his teeth over Gareth’s jugular, causing the man in his arms to shiver.