Archive for Freaks in Love
Another Idea…

Duncan’s World available….

In case some of you didn’t get a message yesterday, Duncan’s World is available at Amber Allure now. It’s also on sale. Amber Allure has started a new thing where all that week’s books are discounted for the first week.
Also, Freaks in Love was the #1 best seller at Amber Allure for March…and Soothe the Burn hung on for the #10th spot in March as well. Thank you all so much for making those two books hit the list. 🙂
I finished one book that just needs to be cleaned up, then I’ll be subbing it to Liquid Silver. On to the next book on my list…that needs to be done by June 1st.
I hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful Monday.
New Book, New Cover, New Contract

Freaks in Love is out. Woo-hoo! I hope you all stop by Amber Allure and check it out. Here’s the blurb for it.
James lives in Triad City, working for the West Side Crime Association and hiding a secret that could get him killed. When his boss and the other associations’ leaders are assassinated, James has no choice but to return to the one place he never wanted to see again—Freak Town. Yet saving the life of the one friend he has in Triad City might be worth risking it all.
Magpie can’t believe he’s been shot and his boss assassinated. Waking up shortly afterward, he discovers he’s in Freak Town where all the mutants live. Nuclear radiation from the war has changed some people into creatures. Wigging out because his friend, James, is one of the Freaks seems sensible to Magpie. Falling in love doesn’t.
Together, the two men must find a way to survive the revolution being planned by the Freaks. Getting out of Triad City is the only way, but will Magpie stand beside James to save himself? Or will he lose his heart to a Freak, proving that the heart loves where it wants instead of where it’s wise?
I got my cover for Fighting Dragons and as soon as I can, I’ll post it for everyone to check out. Anne Cain, the cover goddess extraordinaire, outdid herself with this cover. It fits in great with the other two, while having its own style. 🙂
The voting for the blog story will stay open until midnight tonight, then I’ll count the votes and we’ll see which one will be the next one. Tomorrow, I’ll announce the winner and re-post the blurb. On Thursday of this week, I’ll introduce you to our heroes. The story will start up next Tuesday.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.
Woot! It’s Friday

This picture I like because of that whole, “He’s mine. Don’t touch.” look the guy is giving the camera…lol.
Well, the weekend is almost here. I’m working a half day today and then I get three days off next week. Woo-hoo! Can’t wait. We have friends visiting from out of town, so it’s time to entertain. 🙂
Well, the voting is still happening for the blog story….and I’m thrilled with the response. You all have definite opinions on what you want to read.
Writing is going well, and I’m hoping to be able to get some done while my friends are here. I’m an early riser and I don’t think they are, so I should be able to sneak some work in the mornings.
Well, have a great Friday, and remember Freaks in Love comes out on Sunday. I’ll post a link as soon as it’s live. 🙂
March Already….

Already starting the third month of the year…wow. I blinked and February was gone…lol. 🙂
Well, March is a good month for me. I’ll have two releases coming out. Freaks in Love on March 7th and Fighting Dragons on March 30th. Woot! Edits are done on both books, so we’re good there.
Now there is a rumor going around that Wishing for a Home will be out in March. Well, I’m not sure about that. I haven’t done any edits on it, though I’m hoping there won’t be any major ones needing to be done. And to be honest, I’m hoping we can push the release date back to April.
I know. I know. You are all dying to get your hands on Derek and Max, but see, with two releases already scheduled for March, I don’t want to overwhelm you all with books. I mean, I know you’d probably buy them regardless of how many came out in a month, but I don’t want to stretch your book budget to the breaking point.
If LSB is willing to release it in April, I’ll let you know as soon as I can about a date. Also, I have another book coming out in April which happens to be another cowboy book. So you could get two cowboy books that month.
Tomorrow, I’ll be posting two blurbs. You will get to choose which story gets written for the blog. They’re very different from each other, I have to say…lol. I hope you think both of them are interesting.
I hope you have a great Monday. 🙂
Wow…March is almost here

And it looks like February is going out like a lion….I hope March comes in quietly. Where did February go? Wasn’t it only yesterday I was celebrating the release of my first book of 2010? Now in nine days, my second book will be out. Holy Cow!
I think it was Susan who asked about a release date for Fighting Dragons. Well, in March, you get two releases from me. Freaks in Love will be out March 7th and Fighting Dragons will be out March 30th (of course, that’s subject to change, but I’m pretty sure you can count on it…lol) So bookend releases. Yay!
Then I’ll have one book out in April, May, and June. At least that’s what is scheduled for right now. You never know because I have two books that are contracted, but haven’t gone through the editing process yet and haven’t been assigned a release date. They might be added in to one of the three months or to a month that doesn’t have a book coming out yet.
I have one book in for consideration at one of my publishers and I do think I’ll see about getting Bastet published, but I’m not sure who I’ll send it to yet. There’s probably about another 1k or so added into it and maybe in the future, we’ll revisit the guys to see how they’re doing. 🙂
I’m working on a couple of books now. Just have to see whose voice speaks the loudest to see who wins my attention…lol.
I hope you all have a great Friday, plus a safe and fun weekend.