Archive for Bring Him Gold
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…

First of all, I have a post up at Amber Kell’s for her birthday bash. It’s a little snippet of Ronnie and Lucius from Embrace My Reflection and Bring Him Gold. Check it out here.
And secondly, I thought I’d post a little glimpse at From Yesterday, which is the third book in the Rupert’s Legacy series I have at MLR Press. The first two books are Joy of the Season and Replacing Memories. I think I shared something from this story once before when I started working on it, but it kind of got pushed to the back burner for some other stories. I decided to see if I can get it finished by the end of the year. (Which really isn’t that far off any more…lol)
So here you go:
From Yesterday copyright c. 2013 T.A. Chase
Carlos tightened his grip as Miguel snuggled closer. He rested his cheek on the top of Miguel’s head. “I’m supposed to text him when I get done visiting you. He lives here on the grounds, so I’m having coffee at his place.”
“You’ll tell me everything, right?” Miguel’s low request touched Carlos’ heart.
“Within reason, hermanito. You know I don’t kiss and tell, plus I don’t think Phillip would like me spilling all his personal business to people he’ll see every day.” Carlos leaned back into the cushions, humming softly.
He understood why Miguel had asked him that. His brother was never going to get another chance at romance or a date. All the advances science had made in the medicines for HIV/AIDS didn’t matter if Miguel’s body rejected them. The doctors had told them it would only be a matter of time now. The only thing they could do was keep Miguel comfortable and as pain free as possible. He was happy that they hadn’t given them a timeline.
Putting a timeline to dying was a horrid practice in Carlos’ opinion. Too many people gave up hope when told they only had four months to live. Carlos saw it as a nurse as well. Yet there were people who, when told they were going to die soon, fought with every ounce of energy in them and they live longer than doctors thought.
He wished Miguel could do that, but his little brother had been fighting most of his life. He was getting tired and losing hope. Carlos wanted to beg Miguel to keep up the battle, yet he knew it was for selfish reasons. He didn’t want to lose his brother. Not this soon when they both had so much life to experience.
Closing his eyes, Carlos relaxed, enjoying being with Miguel, even if they weren’t talking. It was nice to spend time together without having to worry about their family causing problems.
“Carlos,” Miguel murmured, causing him to open his eyes.
“Yes?” He shifted a little, pins and needles racing along his arm like it had fallen asleep.
“How long were we asleep?” Miguel moved away from him.
Carlos rubbed his eyes before checking his watch. “About thirty minutes,” he relayed the information. “Not very long, but I feel better.”
Miguel laughed, then yawned. “So do I, though I think I’d like to go and try to take another one in my bed this time. Walk me to my room? Then you can go have coffee with Phillip.”
“I can do that.”
They walked to Miguel’s suite where Carlos made sure his brother had everything he might want near the bed. Before he left, he turned to say, “Don’t forget. I’m still here. If you need me for anything, just text and I’ll come back.”
“Get out of here. If it’s not too late when you leave, you can stop back by to say good-bye.” Miguel motioned him out of the room.
“All right.” He shut the door behind him before strolling back to the front desk. Sarah was still there. “Miguel’s lying down in his room. I’m still going to be on the grounds, so if something happens, you can text me.”
“No problem, Carlos. I’m sure everything will be fine tonight.” Sarah smiled. “Have fun and tell Phillip I said hi.”
“I will.” He rushed from the building, not wanting to have to deal with any more comments about Phillip, even the purely innocent ones, which he wasn’t entirely sure Sarah’s was by the way.
Leaning against his car, he pulled out his phone then sent Phillip a text. A minute later, a message appeared on the screen.
B there in 5.
Carlos put his phone in his pocket, then let his head fall back as he soaked up the waning beams of fall sunlight. He’d been working a lot of hours lately, trying to store up time for when the inevitable happens.
“Are you okay?”
He jerked when a hand landed on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he saw Phillip standing in front of him. Carlos held his breath as Phillip reached out to rub his thumb over Carlos’ cheek. It was wet when he showed it to Carlos.
“I’m fine,” Carlos reassured him, wiping his face with his sleeve. “Just a momentary lapse. I can’t show them to Miguel yet.”
Phillip’s expression said he understood. “At some point soon, it’ll be time for you to share tears with him. When it comes, don’t hide them from Miguel. He needs to know he’ll be missed after he’s gone.”
Carlos threw himself into Phillip’s embrace. Burrowing his face into the man’s shirt, he sighed when Phillip wrapped his arms around him. They didn’t talk, simply breathed together, and Carlos discovered his heart easing away from the depth of despair threatening to suck him under.
Finally, he took a deep breath of Phillip’s clean scent, then stepped back. “Thank you,” he whispered.
Start of another week..
Last Friday was a dark day for everyone. How could it not be with the lost of children? It’s bad enough when adults are randomly murdered, but when it’s children and at a school, the horror seems to be doubled.
My thoughts go out to all the families who will be burying loved ones this week. It shouldn’t have happened, and you shouldn’t have to do this, not the week before Christmas. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well.
I’ve been doing well with Leaving Home. It’s rolling along, and I’m hoping I’ll hit my deadline of turning it in on Jan. 1st. I have 8 1/2 chapters left to write, plus adding all the sex scenes in as well…lol. Maybe if I can get it done earlier, I can work on Reserved for Him. That needs to be done by Feb. 1st, but I have another short story and the Home book to do as well. Crazy.
Total e-Bound is having a 12 days of Christmas contest. Each day will be a new prize with a new winner. 🙂 Check it out here. Sounds like fun.
And if you’re a VIP at Total e-Bound, and wanted the single release of Ninja Cupcakes (if for no other reason then the awesome cover…lol) it’s available for download now. But only for VIPs. 🙂
Oh…and Best has been nominated as best Anthology of the Year at Goodreads. Here’s the link. You don’t have to be a member to vote. Also, my Home series has been nominated for Favorite all Time M/M series. Les and Randy have been nominated for Favorite All Time M/M Couple. And Cindi from Embrace My Reflection/Bring Him Gold has been nominated for Best Secondary Character. If you’re so inclined, please go and vote. (Vote for your favorites, even if it’s not me. I can handle it…lol)
Well, I’m going to dive into writing and I hope you all have a good day.
Embraced in Gold Cover

This is the cover for the print version of Embrace My Reflection and Bring Him Gold. Isn’t it so pretty? It will be out some time in March.
Also, Bring Him Gold came out yesterday for those of you who haven’t heard. 🙂 A happy Valentine’s Day story giving us a glimpse into what’s happening with Ronnie and Lucius. Click here to check it out.
I have three sets of edits to do this week, so the next installment of They Walk Among Us might not be available until Wednesday. I really want to get all the edits out of the way, so I can focus on finishing From Slavery to Freedom, work on The Deepest Cut, and two other stories I’d really like to get started and finished asap as well. 🙂 It’s a tall order, but Slavery, DC, and one of the other stories are all halfway done, it’s simply a matter of filling in spots or writing the last few chapters. Only From Yesterday will be started from scratch. We’ll have to see. The new one I added to my schedule needs to be in by the beginning of May, so I might move it to work on in March along with Tramps.
Well, I guess I better get to editing. Yay! I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
Holy February…

I can’t believe January is already gone. Seems like I was just figuring out my New Year’s resolutions. (which I didn’t actually make because I never keep
But looking back over the last month, it was a good one. I finished two stories. To be honest, one doesn’t really count because I wrote most of it the last week of December, and subbed it on the second of January. Pursuing Hope was my first try at a f/f story, and it’s a Young Adult one as well. I sent it off to my editor at Featherweight Publishing, and yesterday, they let me know they wanted it. Yay! It’s not very angsty or anything like that. It’s about a girl looking for a date to prom. She just happens to be a lesbian.
I sent my edits in for Famine, so it’ll be out on the 20th of this month. Also, Bring Him Gold will be out on the 12th. I have two print books coming out this month as well. War and The Longest Stride will be available at some point this month. Woot!
Gypsies went off to my editor at Total e-Bound, and I started working on a short story for them as well. I’ll still be working on it because it’s like halfway done, but I need to start From Slavery to Freedom, the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness today. So for a little while, I’ll be working on three books, until I get the really short story done. 😀
Well, at the end of this month, I’ll also have some big news. Nothing bad, so don’t worry about that. Just a few changes happening. All of it will be good (at least I hope you’ll think so.)
Have a great day, everyone.
Bring Him Gold cover….

New Cover…

Hal Sims runs a non-profit hospice named after his older brother. For ten years, he’s thrown himself into running the charity, and keeping his brother’s memory alive. Hal doesn’t have time for a relationship, especially with a rich golden boy like Tavis Komen.
Tavis Komen wants to change his life, and decides volunteering at Rupert’s Legacy is the first step to a better him. Meeting Hal Sims hits Tavis in ways he never planned.
When one of the hospice residents takes a turn for the worse, Tavis and Hal come together to comfort each other, and Tavis shows Hal there is joy to be found in a season that Hal has lost all interest in.
Also, good news. I finished Bring Him Gold, my Valentine’s Day story, which is a sequel to Embrace My Reflection. It’s a follow-up to see how Ronnie and Lucius are getting along. 😀 This one will be released on Feb. 12th from Amber Allure. Just in time for your loved one to buy it for as a Valentine’s Day present…lol.
Now I’m going to try and finish Death before the end of the month. Woot! That way all of the Horsemen books will be done, and I can start the next trilogy I have scheduled at Total e-Bound. My homage to Cher…or at least the titles are…lol
I hope you all have a great Wednesday. 😀
Good Monday…