Archive for Bound by Trust
Covers Galore!!!

And the second cover I received the other day. Bastet will be out June 6th at Amber Allure. 🙂 This cover is simple, but elegant. Totally perfect for the story. I love the statue.
Well, Out of Light into Darkness has been submitted to a different publisher. The first one passed on it. Which is cool with me. It just didn’t work for them. And that happens sometimes. I’ll find the right fit for the story at some point.
But I’ve been doing some re-working on it, so I haven’t been able to work as much as I’d like on Restoration Project and Bound by Trust. Now that OoLiD is done and out there again, I can focus on the other two…along with Anarchy in Blood, the second book with Carol.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Hopefully, it will start warming up soon. I plan on writing this weekend. 🙂
Wednesday yet again…

I borrowed this picture from Jambrea. It was nice of her to post it where I could get it…lol.
I subbed my second blind vampire story. It might seem a little weird to write two in a row, but I’ll tell you what. They are two totally different stories. Not Seeing is Believing is a fun short story about two men who meet and fall in love while dealing with some issues. There’s not a lot of angst in it. Out of Light into Darkness is gritty, more urban fantasy feel to it. It’s definitely not as light and funny as Not Seeing. 🙂
They went to different publishers…obviously…and as soon as I hear anything, I’ll let you all know.
Now it’s on to JT’s story and a story that I need to get done by June 1st. Once the June 1st one is done, I’ll probably add Rover’s story to my calendar for all of you who have asked for his book…lol.
I hope you all have a great Hump day.
Good Friday….

For two reasons. One is obvious. The other is it’ll be the first golf outing of the season. Woo-hoo! lol
Well, I finished Not Seeing is Believing. Letting my wonderful beta reader look it over and then I’ll send it in to see what others say about it. 🙂 Now it’s on to Restoration Project, a new story that needs to be done by June 1st, and either Bound by Trust (JT’s story) or another new one that keeps bugging me…lol. We’ll see which one I add to my calendar. Along with Anarchy in Blood, the second Blood book with Carol Lynne. Whew! My calendar’s filling up, but I don’t mind. I like to keep busy writing.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. Happy Easter for all of you who celebrate it.
Tempting Thursday

The voting is still going strong…lol. I’m starting to get the feeling that it might end up a tie, then I’ll have the deciding vote on which one wins. Woot! 🙂
This calendar thing seems to be working. I’ve been getting more done each day because I don’t let myself get distracted. Oh, it’s that I don’t work on something else at times, but I don’t stop working on the main story I picked for the day. I’m not sure if you can expect more books from me than usual because of this, but at least, I can let you know which ones I’m working on any given day.
Though I’ve already rearranged the schedule…lol. I had Bound by Trust down for Tues-Thurs, but I have a deadline for a story (June 1) and I want to get it finished way before then. So I’m working on Revealing the Past now. As soon as it’s finished, I’ll hop back to BbT. 🙂
Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday.
Hunks Day

I love that cute little smirk, saying “He’s all mine. Aren’t you jealous?”…lol
Wow…thank you so much for voting on the blog story. Like I said I’ll keep the voting open until next Monday. Just in case there are people who haven’t been able to visit my blog all ready. I’ll tell you what…it’s turned into a close race. I thought, for a while there, one story was going to run away with it, but the other one’s caught up. 🙂 I love both stories, so whichever one gets chosen, I’ll be happy.
Hey, Amber Allure listed their top sellers for February….and because of all of you, Soothe the Burn hit the #1 spot. Woot! Thanks again, everyone. Also, a good friend of mine, Lynn Lorenz, hit the #3 spot with her awesome story, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I really recommend this book. It’s great. The characters are well-written and the story is just wonderful. As one reviewer already said, “It’s a hopeful book.”
I’m trying something new this month and, even though I’m only two days into it, I’m doing pretty good. I made up a calendar and blocked out days for stories. For example, on Mon-Wed-Fri, I’m working on Not Seeing is Believing (another blind vampire story but on the lighter side of things). On Tues-Thurs, I’m working on Bound by Trust (JT’s story). I’m leaving Sat-Sun open for my blog story and whatever else hits my fancy. I’m hoping this will keep me on track and help me focus a little better on stories that need to be finished sooner rather than later.
Well, I hope everyone has a great Wednesday. 🙂
No more Snow…

Okay…all this white stuff can just go away at any point now. I’m tired of winter. Let’s just rush right on into spring, please. 🙂
Writing went well this weekend. I finished up one story and sent it to my editor. Now on to JT’s story, Bound by Trust. Plus I did a little work on Mars Assassin, which is the sequel to Death or Life. Okay, so it’s not necessarily a sequel. We get to find out how Lord and Mars met, and sort of see how the events that happen in Death or Life unfold from their point of view. I hope you all enjoy it when I get it finished because Lord is going to be a little hard to like. 😉
I hope you all have a great day. Stay safe and warm.