Archive for Barefoot Dancing
New Book available

Barefoot Dancing is available at all 3rd party sellers. ๐ Also, I’m doing a blog tour for it.
I’m at ARe Cafe’s blog today. If you click here, you can check my post out.
I did one for Female First in the UK. Here’s the link for that one. ๐
And if you want to know where else I’ll be the next four days, here’s a list:

I hope you get a chance to stop by any of those places and check out what I have to say. If you’re interested…lmao.
Have a great Monday, everyone.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Guest Blogger,Pimping Books. Writing,Rags to Riches,Totally Bound | |No Comments
New Book out…

From the Rubble is available now at Amber Allure. Click here. It’s part of the Heavy Petting Vol. 2 PAX, so is discounted as well. ย It’s about Keaton Goodwin, who does Search and Rescue with his Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kaiser. He meets Nodin Standing Bear in Bogota, Colombia during a natural disaster.
I’m sorry I’ve been terrible about ย blogging. Last week, I had to get a ton of guest blogs done for a blog tour for Barefoot Dancing, which is due out in general release at the end of the month. It’s available for early download now.
Also, I’ve started Trailing Air, Rover’s story and book 4 in the Preternaturals series. I want to get it done this week, so I’m working hard on it. I’ll be starting Snap Decision, book 2 in the Delarosa Secrets trilogy, this week as well. Really busy the next couple of weeks, but I’m going to try very hard to get Angel’s Feet installments done and up too.
I hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Delarosa Secrets,From the Rubble,Preternaturals,Rags to Riches,Trailing Air,writing | |No Comments
New Book and Cover…

A Bittersweet Haunting, co-written with Jackie Nacht, came out on the 17th while I was at GRL. It’s available at MLR Press, Amazon and ARe. In case you missed it…lol

The last book in the Rags to Riches series, Barefoot Dancing, is available for pre-order at Totally Bound (here) and at Amazon (here)
And I got the cover for the Amber Allure book that will be coming out November 16th. From the Rubble is about a Search and Rescue guy and the Armyย sergeantย he meets while down in Bogata, Colombia.

I just signed the contract for another book at Amber Allure. Deserves to be Adored will be out sometime at the beginning of next year. It wasn’t due until Dec. 1st, so I’m ahead of the game on that one…lol. As soon as I get a cover or any other information, I’ll let you know.
I had a great time in Chicago at GRL and have finally caught up on everything last week. lol Hopefully that means I should be able to get the blog installments done on time now. ๐
Have an awesome Monday and stay safe.
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Amber Allure,Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Deserved to be Adored,From the Rubble,GayRomLit,Mark of the Jersey Devil,MLR Press,Rags to Riches,Totally Bound,writing | |2 Comments
New Cover…

This is the cover for my last Rags to Riches book, Barefoot Dancing. I adore this cover and all of the covers in this series. ๐ The dates for this one are:
Pre-Order: October 17th
Early Release: October 31st
General Release: November 28th.
And now that the contracts have been signed and it’s official, I can tell you that Jackie Nacht and I have written a book together. It’s called A Bittersweet Haunting and is the first in a six book series titled Mark of the Jersey Devil. It’ll be out at MLR Press, most likely on October 17th. I hope to be able to share the cover with you soon.
I’m trying to figure out what story to start next. I really kind of want to work on Climbing the Savage Mountain, which is a sequel to Mountains to Climb, but I have more research I need to do on that one before I can write it. I have two other stories I should be working on and Monday, I’ll make a decision…lol. I won’t force myself to decide over the weekend. Maybe I’ll work on all three of them to figure out which one speaks the loudest to me. ๐
I hope you all have an awesome weekend.
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Barefoot Dancing,Climbing the Savage Mountain,Covers,Mark of the Jersey Devil,MLR Press,Mountains to Climb,Rags to Riches,writing | |4 Comments
I know I promised an installment today for Shuffle, but I didn’t get Barefoot Dancing done until late. By that time, my wrists and eyes hurt, so I went to bed.
I don’t have a looming deadline next week, so I’m going to give you three installments to make up for my appalling lack of consistency with my blog and my story lately.
But yay! The last Rags to Riches story, Barefoot Dancing, is complete and with my editor. I will say there might be other stories at some other point with some secondary characters, but right now, it’s a complete series. ๐ I hope you’ve enjoyed my rich guys and the men they fall in love with.
Next up is my Amber Allure book, Search & Rescue. I gave you a glimpse of it in a sneak peek. I hope to be able to sub that by the first of Sept. We’ll see.
Have a great weekend and I promise there will be 3 installments next week.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Rags to Riches,Search & Rescue,writing | |1 Comment
Now Available….

Losing Sight of the Target is available now at Amber Allure. Click here. It’s part of the Winter Games PAX, so it’s on discount as well. ๐ ย It’s not up at ARe and Amazon yet, but as soon as it is, I’ll post a link for you all.
I’m working on Shuffle and Barefoot today. I’ll get the next installment done and posted, then I’ll be working on Barefoot. I hope to get it done by the end of the week. ๐
I hope you have a great day.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Barefoot Dancing,Covers,Losing Sight of the Target,Release Dates,writing | |1 Comment
Happy Thursday…
I’m so happy you’ve chimed in on what you’d like to see next on the blog. ๐ ย I’m going to take the weekend and think about them all. By Tuesday, I should have made a decision and written up a little blurb and picked out pics for the guys. I’ll be honest and say that I’m leaning towards either Job’s story from Bitter Creek or maybe a story set in Angel’s world. I haven’t written a historical in a long time and I think that’s what I’m interested in. Since lately I’ve been doing a lot of contemporaries.
And for those of you who have asked for stories set in the Home world to see how the guys are doing. Don’t worry. I have a spin-off series coming out next year. It’s titled Merging Violently, which is the name of the band in this series. It’ll featuring Merging Violently, an up-and-coming rock band that Derek has signed to his new label. They’re at Derek and Max’s ranch to record their first album. There the members of the band meet Cody (Home of his Own), Edward (Wishing for a Home), Matt (Leaving Home) and Scout (Home Sweet Home). So you get to see these secondary characters get their own HEA, but also there will be camos from the guys from the Home books. I promise.
Well, I’m off to run errands then I’ll be home working on Barefoot Dancing. ๐ Have a great Thursday.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Bitter's Creek Redemption,Home of His Own,Home Series,Home Sweet Home,Leaving Home,Merging Violently,Rags to Riches,Wishing for a Home | |3 Comments
New Cover

Here’s the cover for Why I Love Bodyguards. I can’t wait to have all three of them in print side by side. ๐ This will be out in ebook form on September 14th. The paperback will probably be out in October. ย I added an epilogue and let you know what happened with Burke’s parents.
I’m hoping to get something for the new blog story up tomorrow. It might not be anything more than a little survey on which genre you’d like to read. ๐ but I will have something.
I’m working on Barefoot Dancing, Book 6 in Rags to Riches. Also, Search and Rescue for Amber Allure. And A Bittersweet Haunting, which I’m writing with Jackie Nacht and we’re hoping that will be done this week. It’ll be sent to MLR Press.
Once those three books are done, I’m going to finish up a YA I’d started a while ago. Decided to split it into two books instead of one really long one. ย So to be honest, book one is almost done. It shouldn’t take long for me to get it done and turned in. Then I’ll work on book two along with the sequel to Mountains to Climb. That one will be Climbing the Savage Mountain. ๐ I’ll be doing a lot of research on mountain climbing and K2, which is nicknamed the Savage Mountain.
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I’m off for a run then I’ll be back to write. Yay!
Filed under: A Bittersweet Haunting,Barefoot Dancing,Climbing the Savage Mountain,Covers,Deepest Cut,MLR Press,Mountains to Climb,Rags to Riches,Release Dates,Search & Rescue,Totally Bound,Why I Love Bodyguards | |2 Comments
what’s happening…
Sorry…I meant to post this earlier, but I jumped out of bed and got moving on errands and a run. ๐
I’m not going to give you a choice this week for the new blog story. This week, I’m focusing on the last Rags to Riches story, Barefoot Dancing. The 5th book, Walking in the Rain, isn’t out yet. It should be out in November for general release. I’ll definitely give you updates when it’s available. ๐
I’m also working on Search and Rescue, which is a story for Amber Allure’s Heavy Petting PAX (featuring and a project I’m doing with Jackie Nacht. As soon as that one’s done, I’ll give you all the information on that as well.
Also, some have asked about Rover’s story in the Preternatural series. I plan on writing it later on this year for another Amber Allure PAX. I don’t know for sure when it’ll be available, but it should be some time early next year. ๐ I promise.
I hope you’re all having a great day.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Rags to Riches,Search and Rescue,Totally Bound,Trailing Air,Walking in the Rain,writing | |No Comments